from April 2014 by subject

[Bug 16587] Grid Spec Algorithm should ensure Max Breadth is at least as big as Used Breadth

[Bug 16736] Update automatic item placement to account for gutters

[Bug 16906] Resolved values (getComputedStyle) of grid-rows / grid-columns should not depend on layout or the element's children

[Bug 17098] Supporting JS properties whose names are CSS property names on CSSDeclaration objects

[Bug 24095] MouseEvent and TouchEvent co-ordinate types should be kept in-sync

[Bug 25035] The side-effects of programmatically duplicating a rule key are undefined

[Bug 25289] New: IDL in Filter effects spec is missing indentation

[Bug 25296] New: Remove obsolete "in" from IDL fragments

[Bug 25304] New: "addListener" use an event instead

[Bug 25322] "event event" typo

[Bug 25322] New: "event event" typo

[Bug 25323] "fire an event named scroll" use UIEvent?

[Bug 25323] New: "fire an event named scroll" use UIEvent?

[Bug 25328] New: "fire an event" xref dom spec

[Bug 25330] Adjust definitions of shadow styling features to respect private/closed shadow DOM flag

[Bug 25330] New: Adjust definitions of shadow styling features to respect private/closed shadow DOM flag

[Bug 25341] New: scrollX "initial containing block origin" wrong for RTL

[Bug 25344] New: 'none' should not be a valid value for

[Bug 25411] New: Confusion over the specularExponent attribute

[Bug 25426] Don't escape --foo

[Bug 25426] New: Don't escape --foo

[Bug 25474] New: display:run-in missing

[Bug 25475] New: pad example has width instead of pad

[Bug 25475] pad example has width instead of pad

[Bug 25476] New: want to add @counter-style decimal-zero-pad

[Bug 25476] want to add @counter-style decimal-zero-padded

[Bug 25481] New: enhancement: some way to set width, height of span without causing line break

[Bug 25488] New: Serialize attribute selector should serialize flags

[Bug 25488] Serialize attribute selector should serialize flags

[Bug 25498] New: Why all methods generated trusted event?

[Bug 25498] Why all methods generated trusted event?

[Bug 25500] Don't escape U+0080 to U+009F in identifiers (and strings)

[Bug 25500] New: Don't escape U+0080 to U+009F in identifiers (and strings)

[Bug 25514] (editorial) Typo in changes section <number-token>

[Bug 25514] New: (editorial) Typo in changes section <number-token>

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 April 2014 21:38:03 UTC