Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-4] Make system color keywords compute to themselves (#3847)

What I meant to say in is that Firefox's approach is not scalable to more keywords. It was done under the assumption that only `currentcolor` would behave that way. It's not touching serialization / Typed OM, but about the fact that animating multiple stuff which can change during animation could be challenging.

But I might be wrong because most complexity of animating `currentcolor` comes from the fact that `color` itself can animate as well, so there might be some smart way to handle all the system color keywords which can only discretely switch (AFAIU) without adding too much complexity to implementation, but I'm not sure.

Serialization / Typed OM is indeed something we need to consider, but I don't think that has or would introduce inherent complexity as far as we allow only linear combination of colors and keywords. But animation may have such complexity by itself.

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Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2019 20:49:18 UTC