Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-transforms-2] Serialization of individual transform when the animation is at 0% or 100% (#3290)

Sorry, I meant to update this last week with the results of my investigations, but I forgot :(. I was originally ready to say "yes, the spec clearly says you always interpolate, Blink is just buggy", but then I found and the world got a bit weird again. I held off on updating this issue because I wanted to get that one resolved (if there even is a resolution to be done), but then I didn't do any work to resolve it :(.

> But basd on the serialization part, if it is a 3d trasnform, we should serialize it as a 3d, right?

Maybe I misunderstand, but to Blink this isn't a 3d *scale* (being pedantic, in this case it wasn't a transform ;)) at this point exactly because we've short-circuited the interpolation. And as per, 2d scales are just 1-2 numbers.

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Received on Tuesday, 8 October 2019 22:38:00 UTC