Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-shadow-parts-1] Can class name selectors apply to a part? (#3431)

However (and I think this is where @JanMiksovsky's "Devs want to build components from smaller subcomponents" comment comes in), if you're using Web Components as primitives not to just build leaf widgets, but to also compose them into higher levels of reusable functionality, you can pretty quickly hit these types of use cases.

Consider a mortgage calculator widget that is composed out of several custom elements (e.g. sliders and buttons and such), and some of those could have stylable state.  It would not make sense to require the user to supply the "interest rate slider" in the light dom, and yet it might very well have styleable state.  These are cases that the UA does not hit because it is not in the business of vending such high-level components (but it would be a shame for Web Components to not be able to support these cases).

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Received on Thursday, 10 January 2019 21:04:21 UTC