Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid] Applying 'justify-content' content distribution is in the wrong place in the overall grid sizing algo

It would. Step 1 would still proceed as currently stated; in @mrego's example, it would still lay out into 200px. Then distribution would happen in the new step 2 (step 1.5, between current step 1 and 2).

The benefit, then, is that if step 3 causes us to cycle back and re-do steps 1 and 2, you do so with the column gaps already taken into account as affecting the width. (Row gaps, in step 2.5, wouldn't have an immediate effect, as no layout is done between step 2 and step 3.)

Contrast this with the current spec, which does the same thing but doesn't let the step-3 cycle take column gaps into account; the column gaps don't appear until *after* sizing is totally done.

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Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2018 14:46:36 UTC