Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts-4][varfont] Automatic optical size/style selection

> I think it's important to say that this size selection happens before browser zoom or OS scaling.

It already does, to some extent. It states that only zooms which affect layout may change the selected value for this variation axis. However, I can't define what layout-affecting zoom is because every browser has their own concept of zoom and many of them are subtly different. (And, by that same logic, I also don't want to specify what exactly "layout" is either.)

I don't want to specify the exact algorithm for selecting the variation axis value because this should be a place where browsers are allowed to innovate. But I also do want to help implementers not choose a terrible algorithm. That's the reason for the "This is a good place to start, but feel free to expand beyond it" wording. Perhaps we could put an explanation in non-normative text describing that this value is expected to be "close" to font size. What do you think?

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Received on Friday, 10 March 2017 06:42:38 UTC