Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-flexbox][css-grid] Choose a single option for resolving padding and maring percent values of grid/flex items

There have been several discussions about this topic in the past, I'm linking the last one I found just for reference:

Regarding this issue there are some use counters in Chrome to measure the usage of percentage vertical padding and margins in flexbox:
* Percentage vertical padding:
* Percentage vertical margin:

I guess one question is to know if people are using it for the [aspect ratio trick](, and if so if we're planning to remove that possibility without having a good alternative. Probably @rachelandrew's post could help to gather valuable feedback on that topic.

Adding @cbiesinger to the loop as he participated in previous discussions about this topic and is the flexbox maintainer on Chrome.

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Received on Thursday, 7 December 2017 11:42:12 UTC