Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid] making percentage grid-gaps zero for the purpose of intrinsic sizing doesn't make sense

BTW, I've explained how I understand the percentage gaps in:

For widths I believe for track sizing we're already doing the same 
than in your example. In your case the 10% gap is 20px.

For heights it's different, I don't see why you're resolving the 10% 
as 10px.
I believe the behavior should be the same than if you have a grid 
  grid: auto 10% auto / 100px 10% 100px;

In that case the 10% column is resolved as 200px (against the 
intrinsic size).
And the 10% row is resolved as 0px, as the height is indefinite.

It strikes me as odd that for a row gap the 10% would be resolved 
different than a 10% track.

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Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2016 13:48:42 UTC