Re: [csswg-drafts] [mediaqueries-4] Interaction Media Features make a rigid primary/"rare" distinction

Picking up this last bit though

> The any-* are meant to be a generic fallback that isn't particularly
 smart but is reliably predictable. The pointer and hover queries can 
only be useful if the OS+UA is generally right about what is the 
primary way to interact with the device, not in an abstract sense, but
 in actual practice.

Maybe the spec needs to more strongly suggest that OS/UA needs to be 
smart about this? Because I think currently, it doesn't say anything 
along the lines of what you suggested here, it seems to simply take 
the fact that there's a "primary" that is clear as a given. But that's
 a subject for another PR I'd say...

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Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2016 13:07:36 UTC