Re: [csswg-drafts] [mediaqueries] Media Feature: "reduce motion" user setting

> My poor brain is unable to process all the words above. Can someone 
please state what the current proposal with the most agreement is?

There's not clear consensus yet, but @cookiecrook is probably closest 
in agreeing with you, and I've grown warmer to the idea of separating 
the preference and the forced things, so either #586 or the same thing
 with a different word (`no-preference`?) for the falsey value is 
probably fine.

On the other hand, I don't like names like `motion-preference` which 
don't indicate which ways things go, as it makes the feature 
inconvenient to use in a boolean context, which I think would be bad 
to lose. I guess that means @inoas and I aren't close to agreeing. 

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Received on Monday, 12 December 2016 07:47:39 UTC