[MINUTES] W3C CCG Credentials CG Call - 2022-02-15

Thanks to Our Robot Overlords for scribing this week!

The transcript for the call is now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio of the meeting is available at the following location:


W3C CCG Weekly Teleconference Transcript for 2022-02-15

  1. Introductions and Reintroductions
  2. Progress on Action Items
  3. Cryptographic Debrief of DIDs and VCs by SRI
  Heather Vescent, Mike Prorock, Wayne Chang
  Our Robot Overlords
  Heather Vescent, David Balenson (SRI), Mike Prorock, Jeff Orgel, 
  Chris Abernethy (mesur.io), Kimberly Linson, TallTed // Ted 
  Thibodeau (he/him) (OpenLinkSw.com), Manu Sporny, James 
  Chartrand, Erica Connell, Lucy Yang, Will Abramson, Anil John, 
  Marty Reed, Kerri Lemoie, Nick Meyne, Andy Miller, PL, Mahmoud 
  Alkhraishi, Orie Steele, Dmitri Zagidulin, Kayode Ezike, Brian, 
  rgrant (ryan grant), Bob Wyman, rgrant (ryan grant) take2, Brent 
  Zundel, Ryan Grant, Charles E. Lehner, rgrant (ryan grant) take3 
  - works!, Markus Sabadello

<heather_vescent> Hi David are you able to hear me?
Heather Vescent: 
<heather_vescent> David, here's the presentation decks: 
Our Robot Overlords are scribing.
Heather Vescent:  Good morning everyone today is the February 
  15th 2020 credentials community group meeting today our agenda is 
  to have an overview of the did VC cryptographic debrief by David 
  bailenson from esri and we're also going to get an introduction 
  from camera day Linson who has self nominated for the open ccg 
  chair roll.
Heather Vescent:  .
Heather Vescent: CEPC: https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/
Heather Vescent:  So I would just like to remind everyone that as 
  part of participation in the ccg which includes the mailing list 
  and all participation including on GitHub are under the code of 
  ethics and professional conduct we're just going to start 
  reminding everyone of this at the beginning of the meetings so 
  that we just remember that sometimes things can get heated.
Heather Vescent:   And we do it.
Heather Vescent:  Appreciate having passionate discussion that is 
  also polite and respectful.
Heather Vescent: Join: 
Heather Vescent:  IP note anyone can participate in these calls 
  however all substantive contributors to any ccg work items must 
  be members of the ccg with full IP our agreement sign it's free 
  to join but you will need to have a ccg w3c account and you can 
  join here.
Heather Vescent:  .
Heather Vescent: Minutes: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/
Heather Vescent:  Call notes these minutes and an audio recording 
  of everything set on this call are archived at the ccg minutes I 
  know that we do have some gaps in that and it's been on my to do 
  to fix those gaps and if anyone is interested in helping fix the 
  gaps in archived minutes please let me know we use IRC and it's 
  each a2q speakers during the call all attendees if you've used it 
  C and you put your name in.
Heather Vescent:   You will automatically be.
<manu_sporny> I can help with fixing some minutes gaps, Heather.
<mprorock> minutes gaps are likely my fault
<manu_sporny> *shakes fist at MikeP* :P
Heather Vescent:  The CG bot will present plus you and that will 
  show that you were a member of the attendant attack you attended 
  this meeting if you would like to make a comment add yourself to 
  the queue you can type Q Plus sign + and if you want to add a 
  little note what you want to make your comment just you can say Q 
  Plus sign the comment you want to make if you want to remove 
  yourself from the.
Heather Vescent:   EQ you can.
<mprorock> :)
Heather Vescent:  - You might see the chairs doing other commands 
  or other folks you don't need to worry about that this meeting is 
  held by voice not IRC off-topic IRC comments are subject to 
  deletion from the record okay scribe selection since we are using 
  the auto transcription I don't believe we need an official 
  scribes that correct amount and we just shifted this this process 
  a bit.
Heather Vescent:  .
Manu Sporny:  That's correct yep I can I can back up scribe and 
  fix things.
Heather Vescent:  It's if you know how to fix things using the 
  search replace feel free to fix things on the Fly.
Heather Vescent:  .
<manu> example of how to fix things: s/OLD_TEXT/NEW_TEXT/
Heather Vescent:  Okay introductions and reintroductions is there 
  anyone new on the call who's not presenting who would like to 
  introduce themselves you can either just speak up or do q+ and 
  add yourself to the.

Topic: Introductions and Reintroductions

Heather Vescent:  You okay I don't see any any one volunteering 
  of be introductions is anyone not reintroduce themselves for a 
Heather Vescent:  Okay no takers on that either next up is 
  announcements and reminders does anyone have any announcements or 
  reminders Mike you're on the Q over.
<manu_sporny> woo hooo! Welcome Kimberly!
Mike Prorock:  Awesome so we actually have a great announcement 
  today as you hinted at which is Kimberly is joining us as a 
  co-chair so she self-nominated a little while ago sufficient time 
  has passed there have been no objections in fact quite the 
  opposite and I am ecstatic to have her joining you in myself as a 
  co-chair here I think she brings a lot to the table so with that 
  wanted to pass it over for a quick intro and welcome aboard and 
  thanks again.
Mike Prorock:  .
<pl> Congratulations Kimberly!
<heather_vescent> yay! So excited to have you Kimberly!
Kimberly Linson:  Thank you I'll come off mute and camera for a 
  second mike and heather asked me to just kind of give a little 
  brief introduction and sort of what I'm thinking about as I step 
  into this exciting Adventure I'm really excited to to be a part 
  of this team and hopefully I can I can bring some good 
  Administration and help with some of the back back office stuff.
Kimberly Linson:  By way of sort of an introduction I spent the 
  first 20 years of my career in education management focused on a 
  company that treats kids and adults with comprehension disorders 
  and then in 2017 I left to start my own professional Learning 
  Company with with kind of that idea in mind that that I really am 
  fascinated by how it is that we humans come to understand things 
  and then when I.
Kimberly Linson:   Charted at Randa.
Kimberly Linson:  Got sort of a baptism by fire and how humans 
  understand things because I didn't come from a technology 
  background and all of a sudden I was trying to to make sense out 
  of what I was reading and I felt very much like I had that 
  comprehension difficulty and so really the ccg was a landing 
  place for me and gave me lots of really good.
Kimberly Linson:  .
<pl> Wow - in Safari the chat seems to now be self-scrolling. 
  Well done Jitsi devs!
Kimberly Linson:  Short and and an easily digestible.
Kimberly Linson:  .
Kimberly Linson:  Bite-sized pieces of information for me to kind 
  of grab ahold of and so that's sort of where I come from is 
  bringing and trying to understand all that that we're doing here 
  and I think I sit and kind of a hopefully a unique spot to to be 
  able to help us with some of that communication and that matching 
  up of language and mental representation.
Kimberly Linson:   This is important to me.
Kimberly Linson:  Because I actually really want my own 
  credentials to be digital and verifiable and I want it to be 
  seamless and secure and but I don't want to be a sheep who sort 
  of just assumes that y'all did that for me without me 
  understanding how it happened because I also want to be a part of 
  helping to build these products for for the world which is very 
  exciting so I'm hoping that I can really help us get from where 
  we are today to to not just a.
Kimberly Linson:   Place where there's adoption.
Kimberly Linson:  Carrie and I've had lots of conversations every 
  conversation I feel like always comes back to adoption but I 
  actually want it to be just an expectation so I bring to the 
  chair position I think some organization and management skills 
  and I also bring a lot of curiosity my favorite Einstein quote 
  that you can't see but it's right here in my office is if you 
  can't explain it simply you don't understand it well enough so 
  I'm I will ask lots of questions and.
Kimberly Linson:  By doing that I can help the ccg to onboard 
  more more voices faster that in order for them to be active 
  voices and not passive voices they we have to feel confident in 
  the knowledge that we have in the material so I'm hoping that I 
  can continue what we've done with the ccg 101 and other tools 
  that we can build on to help folks get get up to speed faster so 
  that's kind of my my goals as I.
Kimberly Linson:   Step into this role.
<manu_sporny> Super excited about Kimberly stepping up to 
  co-chair! Hooray!
Heather Vescent:  You thanks Kimberly and I'll just share with 
  everyone like I met Kimberly through the ccg 101 project I don't 
  really know her very well prior to that and I was so impressed 
  with how she well just how she just asked great questions and 
  helped us clarify and document some of the new things which was 
  my goals for this ECG 101 and as we had this open co-chair you 
  know I think I've been pretty clear it's been really.
Heather Vescent:   Important for me to use.
Heather Vescent:  Leadership of the ccg as succession planning so 
  that folks can have different experiences and I was just so 
  impressed with Kimberly and so when she was amenable to the 
  co-chair role I was very excited I think she's going to be a 
  great coach are really complementing both what Mike and I bring 
  to the table so very excited for the ccg to have three solid 
  co-chairs it's been.
Heather Vescent:   A long long haul for me.
<mprorock> big +1 Heather, and very excited to be joined by 
  Kimberly ;)
<kerri_lemoie> Thanks, Kim! Appreciate that you're dedicating 
  time to this initiative. Great to have you as a co-chair to help 
  shepherd the work of this group.
Heather Vescent:  And I'm very active and excited that we're 
  going to be able to create more things for the community and more 
  structure for the community so with that let's see any comments 
  or questions from the community for Kimberlyberly or what this 
  what this means for the TCG menu your.
Manu Sporny:  I just wanted to welcome Kimberly and and you know 
  add to the excitement I think Heather you stated it well really 
  happy Kimberly that that you started when in ccg you know 102 101 
  in our now co-chairing I think your backgrounds you know 
  fantastically suited to the position have never really had a 
  chance to work with you but.
Manu Sporny:  To the next couple of months to years with you at 
  the helm so just just wanted to vocalize my appreciation for you 
  stepping up to co-chair and in taking this on that's it.
Heather Vescent:  You thanks Manu.

Topic: Progress on Action Items

<heather_vescent> CCG Issues: 
Heather Vescent:  What else know okay great the next item on our 
  agenda is to check in on progress on action items we don't really 
  have much going on on the issues right now I will just make a 
  note yesterday I walked Kimberly through creating some work items 
  so there were a couple open work items they were approved that 
  have been officially.
Heather Vescent:  And the verifiable.
Heather Vescent:  Fresh 2021 and the verifiable driver's license 
  vocabulary so both of those are accepted work items and they 
  should have their repos ready to go otherwise we've got a couple 
  open work items that are looking for coach co-owners and then we 
  have the vcj which interrupts test artifact which I think we've 
  still got on hold until.
Heather Vescent:   Till end of.
Heather Vescent:  So we don't really have anything present 
  burning going on those oh man oh you're on the cue or is that 
  from previous.
Heather Vescent: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/228
<rgrant> i'm being dropped from the telephone line, and neither 
  Chrome nor Firefox offer me audio.  any hints?
Manu Sporny:  Now this is a new one just wanted to mention that 
  the one of the crypto suites at least I feel is really important 
  to very firmly put in scope in the new verifiable credentials 20 
  working group this is the this is the one that all major 
  Enterprises and governments use right we already have support for 
  it through the Json web signature stuff.
Manu Sporny:  Which is good.
<chris_abernethy_(mesur.io)> @rgrant - try visiting the URL 
  directly, that's what worked for me in chrome: 
<mprorock> @rgrant - try going on chrome to 
  https://meet.w3c-ccg.org/ and then select weekly from there
Manu Sporny:  That but this profile said in a different way so in 
  order to cover all of our bases and ensure that the new working 
  group has all of the tooling that it needs to really push you 
  know the verifiable part of verifiable presentations Ford we 
  really need a second coat or for this work item I know there's a 
  decent bit of people saying that they support it but yet.
Manu Sporny:   There's no no cone or.
<pl> @rgrant  I'm finding Safari works well these days, if that's 
  an option for you.
Manu Sporny:  We don't get a cold enough for the item it doesn't 
  get rolled into the VC 20 working group so it's pretty 
  time-sensitive if you haven't well I mean you know if you're 
  supporting it please consider becoming a calendar for it and 
  helping us to get that into the BC 20 working group that's it.
<mprorock> I would note, I think it can go into the VC WG without 
  a co-owner
Heather Vescent:  Many what's a requirement to be a Kono co-owner 
  like what kind of commitment is that.
<mprorock> just needs an IPR sign off
<orie> it can go into the VC WG without a co-owner.
Manu Sporny:  It's really not a huge commitment it's a 
  cryptography sweet and I mean it's a it's a fairly light lifts 
  out of all the specks we do these crypto sweets are supposed to 
  be the lightest lift from a technology perspective so you know 
  like a day every two weeks maybe.
<mprorock> Orie i belive confirmed that with Ivan as well
Heather Vescent:  So I'm seeing here in the chat that both make 
  an Oreo saying it can go into the vis-a-vis he's working group of 
  the out of co-owner.
Manu Sporny:  I disagree with that viewpoint.
Manu Sporny:  But you know maybe it's it makes it much easier if 
  it's the ccg work item and there's a clear path that's ECG 
  adopted it in where you know and it was here and then we're 
  moving it to the working group the other way into a working group 
  is you pick a random document off the internet that somebody 
  wrote and there's always the chance that a w3c member is going to 
  look at that and go why in the world are you picking that you 
  know pulling that in verses the the incubation path.
Manu Sporny:   That we've set up which is.
Manu Sporny:  CG first and then into the working group.
Heather Vescent:  Okay I hear you and Mike your own cue.
<dmitri_zagidulin> me says:s/cryptography sweet/crypto suite/
Ryan Grant: PL: thanks for the Safari tip, it did work!
Mike Prorock:  Yeah just a quick clarification because I think 
  it's important before we get into the meat of David's talk today 
  which I'm looking forward to the man is correct right that 
  incubation in one sense right the incubation path from ccg to the 
  working group is easier more from a this is why we should 
  consider this as a working group right standpoint right it just 
  makes it easier but there's not a technical blockage it just it 
  does make easier.
Mike Prorock:  Someone's willing to.
Mike Prorock:  Up and co-owned all that that would be great 
  because I know it's important for managers perspective especially 
  and I think it is important broadly.
Heather Vescent:  Thanks Manny what's the do we have like a the 
  deadline I'm a I don't think the ccg will put a deadline on this.
Manu Sporny:  It's the verifiable credentials working group 
  Charter when that Charter goes out to vote if this is not 
  included in it it will not be in the charter.
<mprorock> WG charter - likely 30days tops
Heather Vescent:  And do you have any idea when that is 
<marty_reed> manu can you share the link to the work item?
Manu Sporny:  They yeah I mean I think what Mike saying 30 days 
  tops but they've been wanting this they've been wanting to do it 
  by the end of the month which is two weeks away.
Manu Sporny:  .
Heather Vescent: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/228
Heather Vescent:  Got it Mario's all here's the here's the item 
  right there.
Heather Vescent:  .
Heather Vescent:  So if you want to be a co-owner of a work item 
  in ccg that's going to move to the VC working group verify your 
  credentials working group and this is interesting to you and you 
  support it talk to menu or just volunteer make a note on the 
  thread that I just put in there to be a co-chair or not co-chair 
  to be a co-owner.
Heather Vescent:  .
Heather Vescent:  Okay so I think we're finally ready for the 
  main event this is this was a request from Anil John to have a.

Topic: Cryptographic Debrief of DIDs and VCs by SRI

Heather Vescent:  Have enough time for us to go into the details 
  of cryptographic debrief of did NBC's so I'm really excited that 
  David bailenson from Sr is here and so David I'll pass it over to 
  you and I'm happy to put the link of the PDF in whenever you want 
  me to.
<heather_vescent> Link to the presentation: 
David_Balenson_(SRI): Yeah why don't you go ahead and do that 
  thank you very much Heather and thank you all for having me here 
  thank you to anneal for suggesting that I provide this debrief I 
  recognize a lot of the names here and I'm pleased to see some new 
  names as well I do want to emphasize I'm here at the sort of the 
  request and behalf of the Department of.
David_Balenson_(SRI): And security side.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Oh Chief directorate where Anil John is a 
  program manager for the Silicon Valley Innovation program and in 
  particular one of their portfolios on blockchain and distributed 
  Ledger technology research and development and we'll talk about 
  that a little bit more in just a few minutes what I'm here to do 
  is tell you a little bit.
<dmitri_zagidulin> Heather -- the presentation's needs public 
David_Balenson_(SRI): Work that I and my colleague and SRA 
  International did reviewing use of cryptography in the w3c 
  verifiable credentials data model or be CDM and the w3c 
  decentralized identifiers or dids standards as a part of this 
  review we provided some constructive feedback and recommendations 
  for technology developers and the w3c standards developers to 
  help increase their level of compliance with.
<pl> ditto for me Heather
<heather_vescent> You should have access... it says it's open to 
David_Balenson_(SRI): Standards we should have I'm not going to 
  present the slides I'm not going to share them you should have 
  the link that Heather shared in the chat and you should be able 
  to follow along so I'll try to give you a mile post letting you 
  know which slide I'm going I'm going to start with slide 12 the 
  title slide I do real quick when a just briefly introduce myself 
  and my colleague.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  briefly come off.
<pl> That now works Heather
<heather_vescent> Are you able to access it now?
David_Balenson_(SRI): Put a face to the name and the voice but 
  myself I'm a senior computer scientist with independent nonprofit 
  Research Center s RI International actually going to be 
  celebrating my 10-year anniversary next month on the 12th of 
  March I've spent most of my time providing technical programmatic 
  support for the Department of Homeland Security science and 
  technology directorate and a number of different programs.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Being some of the programs that Anil has 
  guided just by way of background my research interest include 
  cyber security for critical infrastructure and cyber-physical 
  systems I've done quite a bit of work of late in Automotive 
  Systems which is very interesting I'm also interested in 
  experimentation and test technology transition 
  multi-disciplinarian research cyber risk economics and usable 
  security if you're interested in learning.
David_Balenson_(SRI): You can either Google my name and Sr i-- 
  it'll take you to this page which I just dropped the link in 
  there my colleague Nick Jenice unfortunately he recently left s 
  RI he's now with a company called Duality which is working in 
  privacy enhancing Technologies it's an incredible opportunity for 
  him he's going to be working there with Shafi Goldwasser.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  from u c Berkeley who some of you in.
David_Balenson_(SRI): The community may be familiar with she's 
  very renowned and so I'm really excited that Nick is there but I 
  do want to point out I'm I'm more of the applied cryptography 
  Nick is the more theoretical and he Bridges the theoretical and 
  applied aspects of cryptography and he did a bulk the bulk of the 
  work that I'm going to be presenting here so I want to make sure 
  that credit where credit is due and if you're interested in 
David_Balenson_(SRI):  more information about knit you can also.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Google his name or I'll so paste the link 
  to his website here.
David_Balenson_(SRI): All right so with.
Manu Sporny:  Real quick interrupts David sorry do you want me to 
  share the slides Heather or I mean I can try it's that or are we 
  trying to not do that.
Heather Vescent:  If you want to try sharing them anyway I'm just 
  hesitant since we've had issues with the system stopping the 
  recording and transcription halfway through so.
Heather Vescent:  Or is it easier for me to share and you keep an 
  eye on things I don't know.
Manu Sporny:  I got you let me let me try and share I'll keep an 
  eye on everything if that's okay let me share from my machine 
  just because I'm fairly I we've done that on other calls and it's 
  worked out okay so I'll I'll I'll share.
Heather Vescent:  Great okay thanks Manu.
David_Balenson_(SRI): All right so I'm ready to move on to slide 
  to title this VIP blockchain and DLT portfolio.
David_Balenson_(SRI): There you go so for those of you who aren't 
  familiar with the Silicon Valley Innovation program or S VIP they 
  work to leverage commercial Rd Technologies in government 
  applications and co-invest and accelerate their transition to the 
  market one of the portfolio's that they've worked on in among 
  many that they've had over the years is one on blockchain and 
  distributed Ledger Technologies this is intended.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Many different uses and applications as you 
  see here there is a really strong emphasis as I'm sure and you'll 
  John has shared with you on architecture standards and 
  interoperability his intent is to Overlay any solution with 
  global openly develop standards based data models in API hence 
  the solutions are based in part on w3c's be CDM and did 
David_Balenson_(SRI): .
David_Balenson_(SRI): Stop real quick and just ask Anil if he has 
  anything further he wants to say to introduce either as qualia or 
  this talk before I continue.
David_Balenson_(SRI): .
Anil John:  Further he wants to say to introduce the either at 
  the probably 0 or this talk before I continue thank you Dave no 
  I'm good I think I will just answer the question that I was asked 
  on Lincoln about this particular work whether what is The Next 
  Step Beyond you're doing this work I think that is up to the 
  community from the government perspective I think it is really 
  important to realize that if you want to be using the Republican.
Anil John:   Angels and decentralized identifier BAE Systems.
<orie> audio is a bit low
Anil John:  Government The cryptographic Primitives need to be 
  set up in a manner that actually meets the federal information 
  processing requirements and this Chris cryptographic standards so 
  we wanted to make sure that we did a deep dive you know by the 
  funding that we you know provided to you know you know Dave and 
  Nick at esri to understand The cryptographic Primitives that are 
  currently usable cryptographic agility that is possible within 
  the standard such.
Anil John:   It's that you.
<pl> @Orie audio is fine at my end.
Anil John:  You know swapping that I live in crypto or not and 
  that is sort of the intent and we obviously will be using the 
  results of this in order to ensure that whatever profile that we 
  are going to be using of the verifiable credentials and 
  decentralized and fire in our work actually supports 
  fips-compliant cryptography it cryptography going forward so on 
  that note Dave back to you.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Perfect and that's a perfect segue into the 
  next slide Manu.
David_Balenson_(SRI): So as Daniel said US government use of the 
  Technologies must conform to relevant federal government 
  standards and requirements and in particular the federal 
  information security management act or fisma and that in turn 
  requires use of National Institute of Technology or nist 
  standards for use of cryptography so on the next slide say a few 
  more words about fisma this is a rather word.
David_Balenson_(SRI): That's the nature of government regulations 
  but the key things to note here is that federal agencies have to 
  provide information security for the information and systems that 
  support operations and assets of the agencies they approach this 
  by applying risk management trying to understand the potential 
  threats and risks and harm that could happen and.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Those are appropriately and they need to 
  comply with information security standards and guidelines as well 
  as mandatory required standards developed by nist and so in the 
  next slide nest promulgates what are called federal information 
  processing standards Publications or fist pumps they're the 
  official series of Publications relating to standards and 
  guidelines that are promulgated.
David_Balenson_(SRI): The provisions of bhisma are issued by nist 
  after their approved by the Secretary of Commerce and where is in 
  early days agencies could get waivers fisma does not allow 
  waivers to mandatory Phipps pumps so these are required for any 
  federal government agency and it's required for protection of 
  sensitive unclassified information so it's important to note that 
  this does not pertain to.
David_Balenson_(SRI): It's covered either by National Security or 
  national security systems that's a whole domain of its own and 
  even though these are primarily required in intended for federal 
  government use the fact is they may be and frankly often are used 
  by non federal government organizations such as private and 
  Commercial organizations in fact there's many benefits to 
  commercial organizations taking advantage of fisma.
David_Balenson_(SRI): It's in their commercial product they 
  benefit not just their government customers but they can sort of 
  help raise the bar and and benefit any and all customers that use 
  their products next slide please.
David_Balenson_(SRI): So the work that we did is to review the 
  w3c vcd m and did standards and their use of cryptographic 
  operations for conformance to the nest cryptographic standards we 
  did this in two phases we reviewed the relevant standards and 
  came up with an initial set of recommendations and then in the 
  second phase we reviewed those recommendations with the community 
  including many of you who are here today and then updated.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  David the recommendations based on the 
  feedback that.
David_Balenson_(SRI): These recommendations have now been 
  officially published they are still what's there in a final form 
  there not a draft but the fact is these types of requirements and 
  recommendations are never static always Dynamic and I believe 
  part as an eel said when he commented earlier the intent here is 
  to introduce this to you and to the community and to eliminate.
David_Balenson_(SRI): And one can Envision that as we move 
  forward over time either DHS S&T or Sr i-- or some part of the 
  community perhaps some of you may update these to reflect 
  situation is as things evolved finally I want to point out that 
  we primarily focused on the cryptographic algorithm used in the 
  w3c standards we did not actually look at a portfolio.
Mike Prorock: +1 There will definitely be updates needed post 
  NIST feedback on PQC
David_Balenson_(SRI): Or their use and operating operational 
  systems we really just looked at the be CDM and did specs and 
  their use of cryptography next slide please.
David_Balenson_(SRI): A little bit more background the primary 
  fits pubs related to cryptographic standards and hopefully many 
  if not all of you are familiar with these are those for secure 
  hash for keyed message authentication code for digital signatures 
  Advanced encryption and also security requirements for 
  cryptographic modules so these were the.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Phipps pubs that were of interest to Nick 
  and myself however there are quite a few other nist special 
  Publications ittf standards and informational documents even some 
  research papers that are out there on archives and other other 
  platforms and there are other documents that were very relevant 
  and so I would encourage you to see the references section in our 
  report there are a total of.
David_Balenson_(SRI): That provide a really good sort of 
  bibliography of all the relevant standards and and other 
  documents that relate to the use of cryptography in support of be 
  CDM and and ID's next please.
David_Balenson_(SRI): I probably don't need to spend a lot of 
  time getting in to what are verifiable credentials and dids just 
  just in case a verifiable credential is at a evidence that of 
  claims made by an issuer that can be cryptographically verified 
  the vcd m-spec provides a standard way to express them that is 
  cryptographically secure privacy respecting and machine 
  verifiable and a classic example.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  ample that I think is used in the spec in.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Necklaces here in this briefing is an 
  issuer such as the Department of Motor Vehicles issues a 
  credential to a holder driver sends verification information in 
  the form of a digital signature to a verifiable data registry 
  which could be a for example some government website and then a 
  verifier such as Highway Patrol can verify that credential that 
  digital signature by checking the registry and that's sort of 
  very quick high-level idea of.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  of what is meant here by verifiable.
<anil_john> Not exactly .. but OK :-)
David_Balenson_(SRI): On the next slide we talked about 
  distributed identifiers these are globally unique persistent 
  identifiers that don't require a centralized registration 
  Authority and are often generated in a registered cryptographic 
  cryptographically and examples of these might be a street address 
  or an online user name.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Next slide please.
David_Balenson_(SRI): There are a number of different ways in 
  which these verifiable credentials may be distributed through 
  different data Registries examples here are trusted databases 
  decentralized databases government identity databases distributed 
  ledger so the technology is somewhat agnostic to how these 
  credentials are stored and accessed for verification purposes and 
  in many cases there could be more.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  more than one.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Street that's utilized in a particular 
  ecosystem next please.
David_Balenson_(SRI): So one of the first things that Nick and I 
  had to do when we started tackling this was to understand the VC 
  DM and dids standards and any references they made to 
  cryptography and we quickly found that it was a little bit of a 
  maze of twisty passages all different than anybody is familiar 
  with the old Adventure game so we put together we found it was 
  extremely helpful.
David_Balenson_(SRI): .
David_Balenson_(SRI): Together a graph representing how the specs 
  reference existing cryptography and so if you if you look at the 
  chart here it's not critical to see the exact words but the dark 
  circles represent w3c standards or specifications the green 
  Square in the upper left hand corner that's actually an Especial 
  Pub the yellow Square in the upper right hand corner is a Mist 
David_Balenson_(SRI):  and some of the gray.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Simon's that you see here are ietf RFC s so 
  if I'm not mistaken the VC DM standard is let me see I got a 
  squint a little bit here.
David_Balenson_(SRI): It's in the lower left the large black 
  circle and so you can see there's a somewhat indirect and 
  circuitous path it gets from BC D em all the way to the nist Fit 
  sport for secure hash and then the upper left hand corner you can 
  see that there's a large black circle that represents the did 
  specification and it connects directly to a nest special public 
David_Balenson_(SRI):  it was very helpful.
David_Balenson_(SRI): To lay this out understand the landscape 
  this serves as a visual aid as well as a summary of what's being 
  referenced in the did the CDM and did specs and hence what you 
  need to pay attention to when you're implementing those 
  specifications so now the next slide I'll give an overview of the 
  recommendations that Nick and I made you'll see that there is a.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  a number of.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Series of recommendations that we made 
  General recommendations pertaining to security strength or B 
  security and keying material a number of areas of algorithms and 
  protocols including hash functions block ciphers Max signatures 
  key agreement and transport layer security and then just another 
  set of miscellaneous recommendations involving crypto validation 
  programs crypto agility documentation in a few.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  other factors that you see there.
David_Balenson_(SRI): And what I'm going to do in the short time 
  remaining is I'm just going to briefly touch on each of these 
  just sort of give you an idea as to what are the primary 
  recommendations that we've made we don't have time to go into a 
  lot of detail into any of them if you've got questions certainly 
  entertain those at the end and ultimately what I recommend you do 
  is take a look at the document itself it is accessible I will 
<heather_vescent> We will also dedicate next week for more 
David_Balenson_(SRI): Thanks for that later and you'll be able to 
  take a look in more detail at the recommendations but for now I 
  just want to give you an idea as to the types of things that Nick 
  and I are recommending need to be implemented in order to help 
  facilitate compliance with government requirements and standards 
  so let's go ahead and Jump Right In leave the first slide is set 
  of General recommendations and so this includes things such as 
  tracking the security.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  evil as provided by.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Nest of each individual component as well 
  as the overall bit security of the scheme so anytime you're 
  making reference to a crypto scheme you've got to think about and 
  consider the overall level of security or B security for that 
  scheme implementation should use approved cryptographic modules 
  whenever possible the use of each cryptographic key and the 
  randomness that's used to generate that key.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Should be used for a single.
David_Balenson_(SRI): At the graphics team so nest and and 
  various other documents recommend that keys that are used for 
  example for digital signature or only used for digital signature 
  and are not also used for for key exchange and then it's also 
  recommended that you delete all Randomness that's used to encrypt 
  and used to generate Keys as soon as possible within an 
  implementation so you don't want it to be lying around in memory 
  as soon as it's been used it should be.
David_Balenson_(SRI): So these are some of the general 
  recommendations that we made now getting into the algorithms and 
  protocols first and.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Guard 2 hash functions you should be 
  familiar with hash functions we don't the document talks a little 
  bit about what they're used for and how they're constructed here 
  just note to very important security properties preimage 
  resistance and collision resistance the former is important for 
  message authentication codes the ladder for digital signatures 
  since usually signed the has hash of a message so these are 
  obviously things that one needs.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  is to consider and take into account and.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Choosing an implementing hash algorithms on 
  the next slide.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Make some specific recommendations for 
  government compliance purposes one should only use the algorithm 
  specified in either the secure hash standard or secure hash 
  algorithm three or secure hash algorithm three derived functions 
  you should Implement all hash functions using approved 
  cryptographic modules that's going to be a recurring theme and 
  I'll talk later a little bit about this crypto.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Algorithm and module validation programs 
  and then finally tracked the security strength of each hash 
  function as well as the type of security specify and describe the 
  security strengthened the type of security in the standards and 
  other specifications themselves.
David_Balenson_(SRI): They going to General block ciphers and Max 
  should transition all block ciphers to the advanced encryption 
  standard or AES and one should avoid using Mac's that are built 
  on TV EA and use at least 112 bit key lengths the chart pitch you 
  see here is taken from nist special publication hundred 131 on 
  transitioning the use of cryptographic.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  rooms in Kiel.
<mprorock> Ma, I haven't seen skipjack in a while
David_Balenson_(SRI): So it shows the approval status of 
  different symmetric algorithms used for encryption and decryption 
  and so one needs to be keenly aware of that and at this point 
  it's time for everything to transition to from from the old T DEA 
  and skipjack to using AES.
David_Balenson_(SRI): The next slide we get into digital 
  signatures I'm going to send that most of you are familiar with 
  digital signatures and not going to go into a lot of detail here 
  but generally we apply a hash function to the message or data and 
  then we will use an asymmetric or digital signature algorithm the 
  private key to generate the signature and then the public key to 
  validate that signature.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  on the next slide.
David_Balenson_(SRI): We show a number of recommendations the 
  most relevant standards here include the digital signature 
  standard which specifies a number of different algorithms that 
  can be used as well as the use of hash functions within the 
  secure hash standard and secure hash algorithm three additional 
  recommendations include using approved random number generators 
  to generate the random keys and to treat all Randomness or seed 
  material as.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Protected as one would in the nist 
  recommendations for Key Management and to use approved random 
  number generators to generate Randomness for signatures and to 
  delete that Randomness as soon as possible after it's been 
  generated and used to generate the necessary keys.
David_Balenson_(SRI): The next slide talks a little bit about 
  Kiri use in applications you should recall one of the general 
  requirements was that King material be used for only one scheme 
  and not from multiple schemes there apparently is some work on 
  doing key reuse between these two particular standards the x.25 
  519 in the Ed to 5519 by DHS DSS.
David_Balenson_(SRI): And other Phipps forbid.
Orie Steele: Related: 
David_Balenson_(SRI): Using keying material between cryptographic 
  schemes we are aware that there has been some some work there's 
  an ie CR e print article that claims to have proved that there 
  this is secure and that we don't question that and we don't 
  really evaluate that that may well be the case but the fact is 
  the required Phipps pubs from this do do forbid that and as part 
  of our.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  work Nick and I did Reach Out.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Talk with a number of the subject matter 
  experts and key people at nist and they're aware of all this but 
  until they make any changes in the standards any federal 
  government organizations that wish to make use of these 
  algorithms have to abide by the Phipps and they have to ensure 
  that there's no reuse of the king material between the two 
David_Balenson_(SRI): We talked about key agreement number of 
  recommendations here treating Randomness intermediate values is 
  King materials removing those values from memory as soon as the 
  application or algorithm allows generating all the random values 
  with approved random number generators with a security strength 
  at least as high as the key agreement scheme itself and then when 
  feasible a nonce is random string should be twice the length of 
  the targeted security strength.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  for the key agreement scheme and if you're 
David_Balenson_(SRI): Learning more about that again you can look 
  at the report and the reference to tubs and other documents and 
  they can tell you more about why that is and then finally in the 
  the last area under algorithms and protocols transport layer 
  security all TLS protocol implementations currently have to be 
  versions 1.2 and 1.3 and there's a plan to transition that to all 
  1.3 and as the last time Nick and I look at this.
David_Balenson_(SRI): The requirement is that requirement was 
  that that transition occur by 2024 you're hearing a little bit of 
  a recurring theme use this approved Cipher Suites and the servers 
  and clients and TLS must use mr. Krug cryptographic modules so 
  now let's go ahead and move on to the final set of 
  recommendations this is.
David_Balenson_(SRI): .
David_Balenson_(SRI): About mish-mosh of a number of different 
  categories but I'll start out by talking about the this 
  cryptographic validation programs you've heard Us site 
  recommendations talk about recommendations that require using 
  validated modules so if you look at the actual missteps pubs for 
  the different cryptographic algorithms they specify they may be 
  implemented as modules comprised of software firmware Hardware.
David_Balenson_(SRI): There are and they also missed his 
  established this cryptographic algorithm validation program or 
  tabs p and a cryptographic module validation program or see MVP 
  to validate modules for conforming to the nest security 
  requirements for cryptographic modules and other fifth standards 
  there's a full series of fips 140 standards that talk about 
  cryptographic modules and.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Recommendations is that implementations 
  should use validated cryptographic algorithms and modules 
  whenever possible and you can learn more about those if you're 
  not already familiar with them through the through the fips 140 
  series and the other Phipps documents the next recommendation 
  relates to crypto agility and given different algorithm Suites 
  that are out there the fact that algorithms.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  evolved over time.
David_Balenson_(SRI): As new developments as new systems are 
  adopted and standardized it's important that systems provide 
  cryptographic agility that allows them to swap out different 
  algorithms that can achieve the same cryptographic goals and and 
  this is now especially important considering future use of post 
  Quantum cryptography.
David_Balenson_(SRI): If you're not yet tracking nests work on 
  post Quantum cryptography and I know many of you are in fact 
  doing that which is wonderful but if you're not we strongly 
  encourage you to do so because this is something that is going to 
  be required in future standards Nick and I as I mentioned did 
  talk with the folks at Nest they have a multi-year program where 
  they're developing standards.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Geography in both the digital signature and 
  key exchange spaces and in coming years anticipate issuing fits 
  pubs that will require standardized use of those algorithms if 
  you want to learn more if you're not familiar with them there are 
  a number of useful resources that are out there DHS has an entire 
  site on it at the link that you see here they're partnering and 
  working very closely with nest and there are two nests.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  sites that are especially useful in.
David_Balenson_(SRI): You'll see.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Explore here including one on the whole 
  public post Quantum crypto standardization effort and another on 
  a crypto agility project.
David_Balenson_(SRI): The next slide just summarizes the 
  anticipated impact of quantum Computing on common algorithms and 
  what the future needs are going to be in the bottom line is that 
  the asymmetric algorithms for digital signatures and key exchange 
  are no longer going to be secure the other algorithms for doing 
  block ciphers and hash will be okay however larger key sizes and 
  larger output are going to be needed so one not only.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  Ed's when thinking about.
David_Balenson_(SRI): To agility not only needs to think about 
  swapping in different algorithms but the different parameters and 
  sizes of those parameters that are associated with the different 
<orie> See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shor%27s_algorithm
<mprorock> assume that SPHINCS+ and or a lattice based approach 
  will come into play (e.g. DILITHIUM)
David_Balenson_(SRI): The next slide is a DHS infographic on 
  preparing public key cryptography and it just talks about steps 
  that different implementers developers and standards 
  organizations should be taking into account as they work toward 
  and prepared for eventual incorporation of public key 
  cryptography I want to wrap up I realize that we're nearing the 
  top of the hour the next.
David_Balenson_(SRI): .
David_Balenson_(SRI): Stations are around random number 
  Generation all entropy Source output should be single-use don't 
  don't use an output for multiple uses treat the entropy sources 
  is keying material we've alluded to this earlier if a 
  deterministic random bit generator uses a hash of block Cipher 
  security strength should be larger than the desired security 
  strength of the whole system and of course use approved validated 
  entropy sources.
<mprorock> to note that this discussion will continue next week 
  from an implementation standpoint
David_Balenson_(SRI): Final set of recommendations involve w3c 
  documentation we strongly encourage you to write all of your 
  standard documents with crypto agility in mind we also recommend 
  that you take into account the fact that government organizations 
  that are going to use implementations based on your standards 
  need to use government required mandated.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  crypto algorithms and.
David_Balenson_(SRI): The more you can do to help facilitate the 
  developers implementers and using those algorithms the better and 
  it's also helpful to include block diagrams that describe the 
  algorithms and systems input output Behavior especially given the 
  large number of different parameters including you know random 
  number seeds other parameters that can be input or output from 
  from the algorithms.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  because all of.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Who's that need to be considered when it 
  comes to cryptographic security so final slide ssris 
  recommendation report the good news is our recommendation report 
  is approved for public release so it is available to you it does 
  describe all of our recommendations in more detail than what I've 
  been able to share here as I mentioned earlier it also contains 
  an extensive set of references to relevant standards guidelines 
  and document so.
David_Balenson_(SRI):  obviously I think.
<heather_vescent> Link to report: 
<heather_vescent> CCG post: 
David_Balenson_(SRI): Is is valuable it does include license 
  terms that allows Open Access and use and there are a couple of 
  links here and I see Heather's already dropped those in the chat 
  and one of them is to a forum posting that anneal made and the 
  other is to a link to the Google Doc and I believe a nail is also 
  working to get the document posted on a DHS site and I also have 
  it posted under my.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Our eyesight so multiple different paths by 
  which you can get the recommendation report so I'll stop there 
  and fortunately I've left a little bit of time for questions 
  unfortunately it's not a lot of time so I'll go ahead and stop 
  there and see if we have any comments or questions that I can 
  answer before we wrap up.
Heather Vescent:  Thanks David also want to let everyone know 
  that we are going to dedicate the full ccg called next week to 
  discussing what's been presented here as well okay Mike you're on 
  the Queue I think we'll just take one or maybe two questions to 
  really end at the top of the hour so Mike.
Mike Prorock:  Yeah exactly and thanks Heather and I did want to 
  note as you did that will be continuing the conversation next 
  week in particular from an implementer standpoint so going to be 
  looking at folks like Orie, Manu, Charles you know anyone from 
  the Spruce team etcetera right anyone that's touching at the 
  underlying side of some of the stuff to make sure that we're 
  being mindful of some of these potential security issues that 
  could exist if.
Mike Prorock:   We adopt some of these.
Mike Prorock:  Some of this type the wrong way so that's going to 
  be kind of the topic for next week is a preview before I send 
  that email out you know tomorrow or something so.
David_Balenson_(SRI): And I'll mention that Mike did invite me to 
  join next week and I am available and I do plan to join so I'll 
  be able to participate in that discussion and help answer any 
  questions that might come up at that time.
Heather Vescent:  Thanks David I think that these recommendations 
  are really great I think one of the challenges that a lot of 
  private sector companies that don't have experience working with 
  or creating technology with government use cases in mind is 
  really understanding the government use case and and 
  understanding why you know these recommendations are so important 
  so I hope that were able to help support.
<mprorock> and in some of these items, like PQC they go far 
  beyond gov
Heather Vescent:  Getting the word out about these things.
<pl> Fantastic presentation - Thank you.
David_Balenson_(SRI): Thank you for having us.
Heather Vescent:  Okay we don't have anyone on the Queue we're 
  almost at the top of the hour and so we'll conclude for today 
  we'll continue our conversation next week thanks everyone thinks 
  it's a man who's and everyone for subbing thank you for the 
  transcriber for transcribing thank you David and Daniel for 
  presenting and thank you Kimberly for stepping up and joining as 
<manu_sporny> Yes, wonderful presentation, thank you David!
Manu Sporny:  All right looks like everything happened just fine 
  Heather this time around so we got a full recording all audio 
  everything should be there.
Heather Vescent:  Great great thanks I'm planning to spend a 
  little bit of time cleaning up some of the minutes are not 
  cleaning up putting putting putting them in its up I know we've 
  got some pretty big gaps in there so now that we've got the 
  co-chair role filled I can spend a little bit time on some of 
  that backlog.
David_Balenson_(SRI): .
Manu Sporny:  Some a Heather just a note on the the transcriber 
  from today if you want I can pre-process it there times where the 
  speech-to-text stuff just injects to random words as a sentence 
  in the middle of everything I have a script that can just rip all 
  that out so that you get a really clean version to work from if 
  you're interested in that.
Manu Sporny:  .
Heather Vescent:  Yeah that would be that would be great I mean 
  you and just send it to me is like a textile or upload it 
  somewhere or I mean you don't have to do it today I'm just happy 
  to be able to add some additional like like housekeeping with 
  some of the ccg stuff now so.
Manu Sporny:  How about this I'll do the weekly minutes from this 
  week and last week because I scribe last week and this week I've 
  if they're really clean so it should be pretty quick.
Manu Sporny:  .
Manu Sporny:  That work for you Heather.
Heather Vescent:  Yeah but I mean also you do so much already.
Manu Sporny:  No it's okay this is this shouldn't be a this this 
  it shouldn't be difficult I've been doing the VCH API minutes and 
  it's been starting to take like 10 15 minutes now with the new 
  transcriber and everything.
Heather Vescent:  Okay okay that's great I have a lot of backlog 
  I think we have from last year I know I used to be pretty good 
  with minutes but there was there was a time when I did kind of 
  dropped the ball a bit so I'm trying to clean that up and just 
  want to you know just want to clean house and make it tidy and 
  dollar eyes and cross all our T's.

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2022 19:25:09 UTC