Re: [PROPOSED WORK ITEM] Vaccination Certificate Vocabulary

On 2/15/21 5:15 PM, Steve Capell wrote:
> There’s already a WHO initiative to do exactly this.  And I’d imagine 
> whatever WHO publishes as a VC standard to replace the yellow card will be 
> the de-facto (and of course de-jure) world standard. Why would you work on 
> an alternative ?

This is funny. :)

Why are we assuming that this is an alternative to the work the WHO is doing?
Or that there aren't multiple people in this community that have already been
accepted to and are involved in the WHO work streams?

I'll let those people step forward if they exist.

I'm not one of them, although I have been (along with a number of other folks
in the CCG) been participating in the Vaccination Credentials Initiative.

Many of us are going to be vaccinated and using paper well before this stuff
becomes broadly standardized. It's still very useful work... for digital
vaccination credentials, in general, and for the next pandemic.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Tuesday, 16 February 2021 01:24:51 UTC