[MINUTES] W3C Credentials CG Call - 2019-08-20 12pm ET

Thanks to Bill Barnhill for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2019-08-20

  1. Introductions and Reintroductions
  2. Announcements and Reminders
  3. Decentralized Topics at #RWOT9
  4. BTCR hackathon
  Joe Andrieu and Christopher Allen and Kim Hamilton Duffy
  Bill Barnhill
  Bill Barnhill, Heather Vescent, Sumita Jonak, Markus Sabadello, 
  William Claxton, Amy Guy, Ted Thibodeau, Brent Zundel, Dmitri 
  Zagidulin, Christopher Allen, Yancy Ribbens, Manu Sporny, 
  Jonathan Holt, Dave Longley, Justin Richer, Kayode Ezike, Jeff 
  Orgel, Joe Andrieu, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Kaliya Young

Bill Barnhill: I’ll volunteer as scribe.
Bill Barnhill: Only done it once before, so may need 
William Claxton: Voip 877 is wmclaxton
William Claxton: Me hooray!
Heather Vescent: Fantastic! Congrats!!
Bill Barnhill: * I think it’s topic
Bill Barnhill: Trackbot, start telcon
Bill Barnhill: I’ll volunteer to be scribe
Bill Barnhill is scribing.
Manu Sporny: Welcome wmclaxton ... looking forward to seeing you 
  at RWoT! :)

Topic: Introductions and Reintroductions

William Claxton:  Bill Claxton, I’m an American living in 
  Singapore. My company has developed an application using 
  Verifiable Credentials. I’ll be at RWOT in Prague, and looking 
  forward to meeting people there.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  I’m Dmitri, currently working with Digital 
  Bazaar. I’m an implementer of some resolver databases. My 
  background is in secure data hubs and agents, getting everyone to 
  interoperate, and distributed data bases. Example: SOLID.

Topic: Announcements and Reminders

Christopher Allen: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/announcements/
Markus Sabadello:  We had a call last week. Probably not have a 
  call for task force during RWOT week, on the 5th.
Christopher Allen: 
Christopher Allen: https://www.WebOfTrust.info 
Christopher Allen: http://rwot9.eventbrite.com
Christopher Allen: 
Christopher Allen: 
Manu Sporny: https://redaktor.me/apconf/
Manu Sporny: More information about Activity Pub Conference: 
Manu Sporny: (Speakers, topics, etc.)
Christopher Allen:  So sounds like we will cancel the call for 
  the 5th. There will be a digitial identity meetup prior to RWOT, 
  with a train ride to Prague. RWOT is happening Sept. 5th, The 
  weekend after RWOT is the R2 Hackathon/Conference on ActivityPub, 
  the W3C standard that Mastodon and some other distributed twitter 
  clients use. Some work is planned that will move forward with 
  moving these from distributed to decentralized.  There is another 
  group meetin[CUT]
Meeting after, the HoloChain community is having a hackathon in 
  the same space RWOT is.  HoloChain is very interested in digital 
Christopher Allen: https://mydata2019.org/
Christopher Allen: https://www.w3.org/2019/09/TPAC/
Joe Andrieu: Fukuoka
Christopher Allen:  Also, TPAC will be in Fukuoka, Japan will be 
  happening Sept 16-20th. MyData will be 25th -27th.
Kim Hamilton Duffy: We keep the announcements updated here as 
  well: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/announcements
Christopher Allen:  We use the GitHub repository issues for 
  tracking action items. We’re going to skip over them for now in 
  the interest of time.
Heather Vescent: Can you post a link for the public comment?
Manu Sporny:  Last week there was a link in the minutes for Wayoo 
  (sp?) requesting public feedback.

Topic: Decentralized Topics at #RWOT9

Christopher Allen: 
Manu Sporny:  Vote closes on group creation at end of the month, 
  and then W3C will make determination if there is enough interest 
  to form the group.
Manu Sporny: DID WG Charter -- W3C Member Confidential (yes, I 
  know, not the link this group wants, but tell W3C AC Reps to go 
  there and vote): 
Manu Sporny: CCG folks -- if you are a company that is not a W3C 
  Member... please send in public support for the DID WG here -- 
  you can click "respond to this message" below -- 
ChistopherA: RWOT is a snapshot of what people are interested in 
  within the Digital Identity space. Many papers submitted this 
  year. Thought to give a little time today to think about this in 
  aggregate. Are there papers members of this community want to 
  point to? Are we missing things? What is missing from this topic 
Christopher Allen:  One missing topic is incentivizing 
  involvement via side-chanel, not on block chain.
Manu Sporny:  Data Hub stuff will be a big topic this time. 
  Wondering about some of the other stuff, like VC stuff, DID 
  stuff. Of the people that are going what are you hoping to see 
  happening at RWOT, maybe at ActivityPub conference? Interested in 
  seeing what’s happening.
Bill Barnhill:  The link that was posted was that for 
  non-members? [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Manu Sporny:  Yes [scribe assist by Manu Sporny]
Bill Barnhill:  Clarifying public support is open to non members?
Manu Sporny:  Yes, click the link above and anyone can send in 
  public support.
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Some of the "things I'd like to see happen" 
  are covered in the BTCR report out
Kim Hamilton Duffy: So I'll save until then
Manu Sporny: +1 To authentication protocols...
Dmitri Zagidulin:  Now that we have the data model the focus is 
  shifting to how do we do authentication protocols with VCs and 
Jonathan Holt:  Topic on my mind is the other work coming out of 
  Hyperledger Aries. I think we need to have a thing for 
  authentication and exchanging.
Christopher Allen:  I’ve been working on some new wallet 
  proposals for AirGap specification. We found really good results 
  using QR codes that animate about 1-2 seconds per animation.  
  Good results with camera with small size and display. Right now 
  there is now official standard for how to rotate/animate QR 
  codes. Maybe something like that is in our interest as well.
Dave Longley:  I wanted to mention we are working on a emerging 
  standard for animated QR codes and efficient transmission of 
  same, called QRAM. We are interested in collaboration on that, 
  and have working code already.
Dave Longley: QRAM: QR Animation Method
Dave Longley: Working code: 
Manu Sporny: So many things that I want to participate in! :)
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  We may have a couple of people from the 
  Decentralized Identity Foundation. There is a interop effort 
  going on there proving interop with BTCR wallets and credentials 
  and other things like credential exchange protocols. If anyone is 
  interested in working on those kind of prototypes while at 
  rebooting I’d be interested as well.
Manu Sporny: So little time... :(
Kaliya Young: +Q
Manu Sporny: +1 To Kaliya "what's the landscape and what's the 
  plan to get interop between different systems"
Kaliya Young:  I wanted to speak to what I was hoping to get out 
  of RWOT. A much better understanding of the agent, wallet, hub 
  landscape. Also, a plan in the coming six months for how we get 
  interoperability with these things. Also, I have a kids digital 
  identity project, and am interested to see if anyone else at RWOT 
  is focused on kid’s SSI.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  So SOLID community is definitely becoming 
  aware of this community’s work and the wider identity community. 
  The SOLID manager attended the last RWOT and will be attending 
  this RWOT. SOLID has started an outreach WG, including an invite 
  to RWOT, ARIES, Secure Data Hubs, VC and DIDs.
Markus Sabadello: One of the RWoT topic papers is about Solid + 
Christopher Allen:  I noticed there were 8 or 9 papers for RWOT 
  on Web of Trust, which is more Peer to Peer. I hope we can have 
  more experimentation there. I ran into one of our members, and 
  their implementation did not allow for peers. There was not the 
  original intent, which I thought we were really clear on, that 
  anyone can have any of the roles. Everybody ought to be an issuer 
   or a peer. They may not be central to some of the business 
  models, but I’d [CUT]
See that there.
Christopher Allen:  IPFS is another community I’m concerned is 
  underrepresented around the storage.
Dmitri Zagidulin:  There are a number of other storage related 
  blockchain efforts: FileCoin, KeepBase, others. There are other 
  fragmented communities out there that are doing decentralized 
Manu Sporny: https://www.scuttlebutt.nz/
Christopher Allen:  Hopefully we can eliminate future 
  difficulties as we grow the broader agenda.
Dmitri Zagidulin: The one I mentioned was MaidSAFE / SAFE network 
  - https://safenetwork.tech/
Kaliya Young: +Q
Manu Sporny: https://dat.foundation/
Manu Sporny:  Two communities we haven’t mentioned are the secure 
  scuttlebutt community, and the DAT community. We spoke with DAT a 
  while ago and it didn’t really go anywhere. We haven’t had a 
  conversation with the secure scuttlebut community. We could 
  invite them to meet at RWOT, perhaps. Is there any folks that 
  went to DWEB that think we should be talking and maybe should?
Kaliya Young:  I met the secure scuttlebut folks at DWEB. They 
  were subject to a very hard sell, and were turned off. I managed 
  to turn that around I think. Avoiding a hard sell should be 
  something we keep in mind, and approaching other communities with 
Christopher Allen:  I know one person from Barcelona, and I’ll 
  reach out to him about secure scuttlebut.
Heather Vescent: +1 To having a conscious strategy to engage 
  these other groups.
Manu Sporny:  WRT these other communities, it should not be ‘join 
  us, use what we have’  but rather  ‘Let’s see what we can do 
Kaliya Young: +1
Kaliya Young: +Q
Manu Sporny:  The idea is that we spend more time listening in 
  these other communities than about what we can bring into the 
  mix. As we try to reach into those communities maybe we can do 
  something that looks more like a field trip, rather than inviting 
  them to come to us.
Manu Sporny: https://github.com/datprotocol/working-group
Christopher Allen:  I was at a meeting recently and a DID member 
  said RWOT was a W3C thing. I think they got that because there 
  are a number of W3C people there, but RWOT is not a Standards 
  Organization. There are many things there that shouldn’t go into 
  W3C, and many that should. I like the phrase field trips to other 
Kaliya Young:  There is a difference, my perception is much of 
  the work is how do you support people getting on planes with all 
  the decentralized credentials you need. That is a different use 
  case than Scuttlebutt or Wireline. So what do wallets look like 
  for a fully decentralized network.
Kim Hamilton Duffy: +1 To Kaliya's point
Manu Sporny: BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is protocol that 
  manages how packets are routed across the internet through the 
  exchange of routing and reachability information between edge 
Manu Sporny: 
Kaliya Young: I think this would be a great question to answer at 
  RWoT - who has an easy to implement wallet for these 
  decentralized networks. I am on contract with Wireline.io - the 
  are open to implementing but I'm not clear what they should pick 
  up and use. The same wallets could/should be used for Holochain 
  and Scuttlebut and others.
Christopher Allen:  BGP, Border Gateway Protocol, central to 
  networking. Current standards are not being adopted because 
  networks are peers and they don’t want a centralized authority 
  defining that a peer must do, so I am reaching out to them and 
  showing them interesting cryptographic approaches that might 
  solve their problem. Wondering how many communities are out there 
  that want this but don’t know they want it.
Christopher Allen:  What kinds of things do we want to bring into 
  the W3C? Not everything needs a 4 year process to become a W3C 
  standard. Where is it appropriate for a 2 year CCG document or a 
  4 year WG document.
Jonathan Holt:  For an Apple developer when you submit your 
  cryptographic library you actually have to register. So its more 
  of a struggle to get acceptance, and that might be a major 
  barrier to adoption.
Kaliya Young: Someone of the companies who actually are rumored 
  to be working with Apple should get them more publicly involved 
  in this community conversation - they are "here" we just can't 
  see them.
Jonathan Holt: The new cryptoKit ed25519 is supported.  
Christopher Allen:  So I agree. A lot of groups rely on the IETF. 
  Ed25519 which was a struggle. Nothing that used SECP is allowed 
  for use in a standard in IETF. How do we get over problems like 
  that, where a big company says it has to be a government standard 
  algorithm, and can we help?
Christopher Allen: 
Christopher Allen:  Here is a talk I did at IIDS (see link), on 
Dave Longley:  ED25519 will be in the next FIPs standard that 
  comes out.
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Christopher Allen:  In multisig situations there are interesting 
  situations with multi-sig curves, there are other libraries such 
  as Liberetto. We should be aware that ED25519 has its 

Topic: BTCR hackathon

Kim Hamilton Duffy:  See above for the final report, with more 
  information on what we were trying to solve. I’ll talk about the 
  accomplishments and then talk about the struggles we see. As 
  usual we do clarifications of expected behavior. We noticed we 
  weren’t granting verified credential signing as a default 
  capability. Also BIP 136 allowed ambiguous forms we didn’t want 
  to allow in BTCR.  So we made sure we documented such 
Dave Longley:  We had a method, and we eliminated a special 
  case..using one method over another other.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Electron demo of a BTCR wallet was updated.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  A BTCR GoLang service running on Linode was 
  worked on, and the steps documented.
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  We consolidated the BTCR references and we 
  now have a single place for that. Also, the BTCR DID method is 
  being used in the DID Foundation Hackathon. See link.
Christopher Allen: We did take some of the observations about 
  satoshi audit trail to the last DID task force meeting last 
  Thursday - see transcript there.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Joe added a BTCR tutorial on Saturn, 
  inspired by Jimmy Song’s Bitcoin tutorials. We found we were 
  having problems with basic claims (e.g., I know this person and 
  vouch their DID is this). We found it was more of a struggle to 
  do basic things that we expected. Also, what belongs to DID 
  Metadata and what belongs to DID Resolution Metadata. That’s 
  still an open issue. Naming - we need to be more concise in our 
  naming. There’s also a lot of va[CUT]
Having a server-side service rather than a client side thing 
  users have to stand up. Those are the highlights that will follow 
  up on after RWOT.
Joe Andrieu:  Also, The Satoshi Audit tral topic had some good 
  discussions has week. I encourage people that as they are 
  thinking about using the proofs that your blockchain represent 
  that some of that architecture doesnt go into the DID Document 
  but into something different.
Christopher Allen:  We will be meeting next week, but not on Sep3 
  due to RWOT.

Received on Wednesday, 11 September 2019 03:39:08 UTC