RE: Trusted Digital Web: Whitepaper [Preview Draft]

RE: I really like a lot of the ideas you put forth in your WP, especially clearly separating the concepts of Identifiers and Identities

A quick p.s. … as a follow-up to Steve’s comment (above) and also as someone who contributed a number of clarifications in the Sovrin Glossary V2 effort, there are a sizeable number of new definitions (and relationships) included in Appendices B and C of the Trusted Digital Web whitepaper that are worth reading if you’re working, for example, on the new DIF glossary project.

Similar to Steve’s observations about the clarification of what is an identifier vs. what is an identity, I’ve also tried to provide similar/more absolute clarity about the differences between a Real/Virtual Subject, a Persona, a Digital Subject, a Credential, a Claim, and Universal Digital Identifiers. These clarifications extend universally to both verifiable and non-verifiable Subjects, Credentials, etc.  I also included several taxonomy (architecture reference model) diagrams for these concepts …similar to what I had created for the SOVRIN ARM (

Again, if you’re working on the new DIF glossary project, it would be worth reading through the TDW Appendices A and B.


p.p.s. There’s also a useful discussion about whether a Drivers License is a Credential or a Subject that can be found here (hint: it’s a Subject):




From: <>
Sent: November 8, 2019 3:54 PM
To: Michael Herman (Parallelspace) <>;
Subject: RE: Trusted Digital Web: Whitepaper [Preview Draft]

Hi Michael,
I really like a lot of the ideas you put forth in your WP, especially clearly separating the concepts of Identifiers and Identities, and the concept of Universal DID Data Services. I have a number of tactical comments I’d be happy to share with you. Overall though I am a bit confused with what the intended goal of the paper is. The problems you articulate describe a situation, but don’t demonstrate why they are problematic. Solutions you propose that are built upon the problem statements then becomes suspect. A wide range of statements are made from the really big picture: ‘replacing the World Wide Web’ to the very specific: ‘Camunda Modeler’ and it is hard to rationalize how or why to tie it all together. Maybe there are actually two or three white papers here.

Happy to discuss further and hope you are having a great time in Malta! It looks like an awesome event.


From: Michael Herman (Parallelspace) <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 10:30 AM
Subject: FYI: Trusted Digital Web: Whitepaper [Preview Draft]

I've been working to extend the original did-spec work into a concept called Universal Digital Identifiers (Universal DIDs). In addition, I’ve started building an end-to-end platform and network that instantiates these capabilities called the Trusted Digital Web (TDW).

I've just published a fairly extensive #whitepaper (60 pages) describing the #TrustedDigitalWeb project.  The Preview Draft can be found here:

Feedback is welcome.

Best regards,
Michael Herman
Self-Sovereign Blockchain Architect
Hyperonomy Digital Identity Lab
Parallelspace Corporation

[Trusted Digital Web Certificate 0.1]

Received on Saturday, 9 November 2019 14:15:46 UTC