Re: Avoiding DID-landia at RWoT8

+1 to small teams also.

It would be good to also have a small team to lead DID implementations. We
need to coordinate the development of libraries (we are doing one in Rust)

Alex Puig

El mié., 20 feb. 2019 a las 22:23, Markus Sabadello (<>)

> I am also interested in both, but can't be there, so I hope to Zoom in a
> bit. Or at a minimum review the outcome after the RWoT dust has settled :)
> Markus
> On 2/20/19 10:08 PM, =Drummond Reed wrote:
> +1 to small teams to avoid "DID-landia" (great term!). My only concern is
> that I passionately want to be part of both the group working on the ABNF
> (it's practically part of my DNA at this point ;-) *and* the editorial
> team (because I care so much about getting the text right).
> If needed I'll prioritize the ABNF work and sync up later with the
> editorial team. But I want to go on record as really wanting to work with
> both.
> On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 8:47 AM Joe Andrieu <> wrote:
>> Agreed. Speaking as a producer and facilitator of RWOT, we'll almost
>> certainly establish some sort of limit on group size and work with teams to
>> break up into smaller, more responsive teams.
>> So, think about what smaller issues you might be able to tackle, as Manu
>> suggests. During ideation and selection, we'll tease out which have good
>> support for separate issues. Also, I think we can invest more time in
>> clarification & feedback at the end of the day, rather than just a
>> report-out. This will let other DID supporters contribute, not just get an
>> update.
>> I'll bring these issues up on the agenda planning meeting we have today.
>> -j
>> On Wed, Feb 20, 2019, at 8:16 AM, Manu Sporny wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> A large chunk of us are going to be at Rebooting the Web of Trust 8 in
>> Barcelona next week. During RWoT in Boston, a lot of us ended up
>> gravitating toward the DID spec discussions which ended up being a very
>> large group of 18+ people.
>> Large groups mean that people don't get to speak and collaborate as much
>> as they should, and different work products don't get moved forward (or
>> don't happen at all)... because, who wants to miss the fireworks! :P
>> So, instead of DID-landia, I suggest we focus on small pockets of people
>> working on DID-related things. Here's a proposal for the sorts of groups
>> we could create:
>> * DID Use Cases, where the focus is on not adding new use cases, but
>>   rapidly refining the excellent work that Joe has put into the
>>   current DID Use Cases document to prepare it for a DID Working Group.
>> * DID Editorial Issues that make the spec difficult to read/understand.
>>   This is the group that would most likely consist of the current
>>   Editors making editorial changes to clean the flow of the spec up.
>> * DID Document Features (current/new ones) that need use cases, debate,
>>   and spec text hammering before a PR can be created. This would be ABNF
>>   changes for services, DID namespaces, etc.
>> Other DID-related things:
>> * DID Resolver -- making headway on that spec?
>> * DID Auth -- what's new? MikeJ's paper on OIDC+DIDs seemed interesting
>>   and would fit in a group like this.
>> * Two-factor integration? FIDO? BOPS? etc.?
>> We may want to set aside 2-3 hours in the last day for a report out from
>> all the groups that did DID-related stuff so we can at least sync so
>> that folks don't feel like they missed out on stuff or didn't have their
>> concerns heard.
>> Thoughts?
>> -- manu
>> --
>> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
>> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
>> blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches
>> --
>> Joe Andrieu, PMP
>> +1(805)705-8651


*Alex PuigFounder & CTO+34 678 544 357
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Received on Friday, 22 February 2019 09:41:19 UTC