Re: Prioritizing Individual Sovereignty over Interoperability

So is a Facebook DID also decentralized, since Facebook stores data in
different data centers all over the world?

+1 to "decentralization is hard to define", +1 to "blockchains are often
not as decentralized as it seems", and +1 to "we want interoperability
between identifiers of all kind".

And still, if we are at a point now where we seriously want to call a
domain name a "decentralized identifier", then somehow we have suddenly
lost much of what this community has achieved in the last few years.


On 4/28/19 8:32 PM, Victor Grey wrote:
> ++1
> Perhaps alongside Zooko’s triangle for identifiers, we need Dmitri’s matrix for decentralization. :-)
> =vg
>> Dmitri Zagidulin <> wrote:
>> There are many kids of decentralization -- political, technological, architectural, administrative, and so on. The web method is less decentralized than ledger-based DID methods according to _some_ of the types of decentralization, but far more decentralized according to other types. I think any sort of heated discussion about which of the proposed DID methods are more or less decentralized can quickly point out that some of the proposed method are controlled by a single parent company, or are incredibly technologically centralized and homogenous (core libraries in the hands of a small team of developers), etc.

Received on Tuesday, 30 April 2019 09:52:23 UTC