[public-credentials] <none>

Hello everyone,

Following Markus’ recommendation, I’d like to present to you Dominode’s (
https://dominode.com) new DID resolve method: "did:dom:", and tell you a
little bit about it.

The did:dom: method (although still WIP) uses public Ethereum blockchain
smart contracts to provide regular CRUD operations on a DID and mappings to
IPFS - where its associated DDO is stored.

The DID format is as follows:


A private key is generated - ${B58_ENCODED_CONTENT} is the Base58 encoded
value of half of that private key’s derived public key.

Examples of DIDs:

There's already a pull request to add this method to the W3C CCG did method
registry (https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-method-registry/pull/2), and
another pull request to add the method to the universal resolver (


Received on Thursday, 22 March 2018 14:19:54 UTC