[MINUTES] W3C Credentials CG Call - 2018-06-05 12pm ET

Thanks to Dave Longley for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2018-06-05

  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements and Reminders
  3. Progress on current action items
  4. Status of Work Items
  5. Focal Use Cases for DID WG
Action Items:
  1. Kim check with Kaliya regarding breakout session at MyData
  2. chairs remove salon from action items
  Kim Hamilton Duffy and Christopher Allen and Joe Andrieu
  Dave Longley
  Lucas Parker, Dave Longley, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Chris Webber, 
  Ryan Grant, Joe Andrieu, Bohdan Andriyiv, Dan Burnett, John 
  Jordan, Adrian Gropper, Samantha Mathews Chase, Moses Ma, Yancy 

Dave Longley is scribing.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  If there are any other DID focal use cases 
  when we get to it please add yourself to the queue.

Topic: Introductions

Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Anyone new that wants to introduce 
Ryan Grant: https://github.com/dcdpr/btcr-DID-method
Ryan Grant:  My name is Ryan Grant, I came to decentralized 
  identity through bitcoin connections and I'm mostly working on 
  the BTCR specification (a DID method). Digital Contract design 
  has some code coming together at the link I just posted in IRC. 
  I'm happy to be part of this group.

Topic: Announcements and Reminders

Kim Hamilton Duffy:  We had talked about a summer DID credentials 
  outreach. For both of the reminders there are issues we'll talk 
  about in the next section. Let me just jump through them real 
  fast and then we'll get to details.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  The MyData conf in Helsinki is happening, 
  issues to discuss about that.

Topic: Progress on current action items

Kim Hamilton Duffy:  For the summer outreach DID credential 
  hackathon. We had talked about having it the week of July 16th 
  but there are things happening at the same time. We we're sure if 
  we should have it then or pair it with something else. Microsoft, 
  I think was also planning a hackathon. It wasn't clear if there 
  were enough people around.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Joe do you have any more context on that?
Joe Andrieu:  We had to do an outreach hackathon not so much for 
  the implementers but for those who want to figure out how DIDs 
  work and get hands dirty for the first time. MS said we'd like to 
  sponsor something later in the summer but also some of the DID 
  methods aren't quite ready yet so better have the summer. 
  Sponsored by MS or coordinated, co-located with other things, 
  etc. would be better perhaps.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Just a heads up for now -- that will likely 
  be moved or clustered with something else.
Joe Andrieu: Sorry, Dan. I've got new networking hardware en 
  route. My audio needs help. =(
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  I will need Joe or Christopher again here -- 
  the MyData conf in Helsinki, there was some discussion about a 
  DID panel but we've heard from the organizer that won't happen 
  but instead we're having a few specific talks about DIDs. We had 
  also pondered the idea of having a separate event afterwards.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  A day focused on DIDs the day immediately 
  after. There was some organizing we'd have to do there. Kaliya 
  mentioned there's a breakout session on Wednesday -- perhaps 
  coordinate with her during the conf to get interest in the side 
  event. We will get you more information, add yourself to the 
  queue if you want more information about that.

ACTION: Kim check with Kaliya regarding breakout session at 

ACTION: chairs remove salon from action items

Joe Andrieu:  At IIW, Christopher Allen and I spoke with the 
  organizer at MyData about doing a Rebooting Web of Trust salon 
  around the same time. Finding a venue and dealing with logistics 
  ... we opted not to do that on Saturday. We had considered it, it 
  won't happen. There will be a lot of content and we will help 
  promote. Folks from our community will be on panels.

Topic: Status of Work Items

Kim Hamilton Duffy:  I was told to call on Manu for DID WG.
Regrets+ Manu_Sporny
Joe Andrieu:  Manu mentioned he was pretty happy with how things 
  are advancing things for a DID WG. I'm thrilled with all the Use 
  Cases coming in.
Joe Andrieu:  It's an ongoing process but that's one of several 
  deliverables, we have the charter, we have DID methods that need 
  to get into place. Conversations with the rest of W3C and Manu 
  expressed he was feeling good about that but since he's not here 
  that's my report.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Thanks, Joe.
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Work items: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Any volunteers to give status updates on 
  work items?
Ryan Grant: https://github.com/dcdpr/btcr-DID-method
Ryan Grant:  This is a DID method status report. I posted the 
  link for our code earlier that we're writing in C++. Posted 
Ryan Grant:  If anybody is interested or capable at taking this 
  stuff or has any comments about how they want to plug it into 
  other layers like a method resolver, please give us some 
  feedback. Thank you.
Ryan Grant: Txref BIP issue here 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Could you talk briefly to the extensions? 
  TXREF encoding, etc.? It's not accepted but used pretty widely. 
  BTCR wants to use it but we also want some extensions to it to 
  include, for example, output index, things like that. Dan has 
  been working on a draft to extend that proposal, do we need any 
  support on that? What are next steps?
Ryan Grant:  Next steps are that we improve the existing BIP (a 
  proposed one, not accepted yet).
Ryan Grant:  We need to improve our explanation for how to parse 
  the difference between a reference to a transaction and this 
  thing we're doing that will reference directly into a transaction 
  output of a transaction.
Ryan Grant:  For those who understand blockchain stuff -- each 
  transaction can have multiple outputs and we'll extend the 
  existing idea for that a little bit.

Topic: Focal Use Cases for DID WG

Kim Hamilton Duffy: DID Use cases: 
Bohdan Andriyiv:  Last we talked a little bit about this use 
  case. The idea of the use case is to globally uniquely represent 
  human individuals using statements. We want to represent human 
  people in the real physical world. And we want to do this in a 
  unique way.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  One human person should have only one unique 
  identity. Why do we want to do this? We want to create documents 
  that are called [?] that we can use to maintain ValidBooks 
Kim Hamilton Duffy: This is use case #9
Bohdan Andriyiv:  ValidBook services are meant to improve 
  corporations, governments, do intelligent things. To put into 
  practical perspective, we have social networking services and it 
  is well known that they are not optimized for interests of their 
  users but informed by the interests of the companies that are 
  behind them.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  The original idea was to create social network 
  services that aligned with the interests of their users.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  In order to do this we can use DIDs and create 
  self-sovereign identities and these identities can create 
  statements of unique representation of living human individuals 
  and called [?] statement.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  Any person can have any number of digital 
  identities. But one digital identities makes new verifiable 
  credentials that represent a unique human individual. That 
  identity provides proofs for that statement and asks communities 
  to endorse that statement.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  After that we have other identities that have 
  higher reputation they can estimate those proofs and endorsements 
  from the community and we call them arbiters. They can 
  acknowledge and say this ?-key claim is valid. That identity can 
  receive kudos.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  In this way we can create tokens, money that is 
  value, to maintain and provide services.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  Does this make sense?
Joe Andrieu:  Thanks, Bohdan. That's a very interesting use case. 
  How are you addressing deduplication -- you mentioned uniquely 
  identifying a single human person.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  The defense against single attacks, so for 
  example one human person can create a lot of claims. A lot of 
  identities and claim they represent different real living humans. 
  The key question to possibility of unique representation of 
  living humans, I think it is possible through the use of 
  arbitration service so there is a link that describes how 
  arbitration service is going to work. A demo/alpha version of the 
  arbitration service is available too.
The burden of proof is on identity.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  It must unique proof it uniquely represents a 
  living human. It could use Verifiable Credentials with evidences 
  that it owns or controls social networking services for example, 
  facebook, twitter, etc. accounts of these services. When an 
  arbiter looks at this proof this is some proof that this identity 
  represents an active real human.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  It can be typed in different ways so the best 
  to prove an identity is real and unique is to have endorsements 
  from the community.
How do you prevent an organization "gaming the system"?
John Jordan: So ... this valid book idea is effectively trying to 
  implement a global trust framework around the concept of a 
  relationship graph
Bohdan Andriyiv:  These endorsements are represented on the 
  arbitration service on the endorsers graph and arbiters can see 
  who endorsed the claims and who endorsed those endorsers and so 
Bohdan Andriyiv:  Arbiters will be able to see a short graph 
  between identity... for example, there is an identity that claims 
  to represent a student at a university. It provides proves it 
  owns a LinkedIn account and in this proof we can see that this 
  person is a student at some university. It is logical that that 
  student will have in the endorser some facts from for example the 
  president of that university.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  Arbiter can look to see if there are some 
  professors or the president of that university who are endorsers 
  on the graph for that identity.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  In practice, it should be quite reliable. To 
  find honest identities.
Joe Andrieu:  Ok, great, thank you.
Adrian Gropper:  Two quick points about this. First -- I did 
  speak with the chief architect of ? -- they have to apply these 
  identities in the real world in healthcare, etc. You don't 
  necessarily want to deduplicate people whereas in finance you 
  want to do that. I don't think we as a group have come to grips 
  with this duality as we relate to DID. The second point is that I 
  don't understand this arbiters. Are they different federated 
Adrian Gropper:  Could you pick Facebook or something? And have 
  them do the deduplication? How is it different?
Adrian Gropper:  One of the things we find essential with the 
  work we're doing with DID is that we don't need to involved 
  federated identity providers like we used to. I'm a little 
  confused about reintroducing that idea and what that means.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  The arbiters estimate the validity of claims. 
  Arbiter means to say whether identity represents a living human 
  individual. They don't need to understand the real name of that 
  person or any other kind of information.
Ryan Grant: The DID-spec allows Federated systems to use DIDs to 
  interoperate with fully decentralized solutions.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  They don't need to know what they look like, 
  just estimate the validity of the claim.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  The main use case is to create tokens to 
  finance the operations of ValidBook. Now we know that we can 
  create tokens because we have blockchain. There is of course 
  Bitcoin, but the problem of Bitcoin but it can't be used to 
  finance corporations needs to be fiat. We have precise estimates 
  for the number of people we will have over time -- so let's 
  create one token per person today. So 7.5 billion tokens per day. 
  So now we want to distribute them. We
Will distribute tokens only to identities that have been verified 
  ... so they have a strong incentive for people to provide proofs 
  that their digital identity is valid.
How do you punish people making false "certifications"
Bohdan Andriyiv:  But who will estimate those proofs? Arbiters. 
  Who are the judges. If we are going to have a central authority 
  it's corruptible. So we want decentralized arbiters. Any identity 
  can be an arbiter. Some identities can be pseudonymous and not 
  linked to a person and this identity accrues reputation and 
  becomes know to provide good estimates for claims.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  So people can analyze if the "SURLHI" claims 
  are valid or not.
Adrian Gropper:  I can't follow this process, let's keep going.
There is also a problem is "knowing who your friends are" - isn't 
  that what facebook is in trouble with now?
Ryan Grant:  SURLHIs are welcome to use DID protocols of course, 
  but I'm seeing a conflict with revealing the narrowist 
  information for some purpose. If I reveal a SURLHI to a website 
  it seems like they can correlate everything. Which is against the 
  spirit of creating separate DIDs for separate purposes.
Raise hand
Bohdan Andriyiv:  You can still use separate DIDs for different 
  services but if you want to create an identity that uniquely 
  represents you you can do this. This arbitration service will 
  estimate the claim that it uniquely represents you and it depends 
  on the level of rigor you want to have.
Kim Hamilton Duffy: I'll freeze the q for this topic after dcc; 
  next we'll move to Yancy's use case
Bohdan Andriyiv:  The idea is that we want to create value for 
  these tokens. It is also very important to distribute them in a 
  fair way. If we look at Bitcoin, question about government, 
  another about fairness. It mostly belongs to 100 entities or 
  something like that. Now the rest of the world doesn't have 
  access to them. The idea that they can be distributed with time. 
  The idea here is that we can not only distribute token in a more 
  fair way but also use them for
Something useful. To create and support corporate services.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  Social networks, it's evident that they are not 
  good now, do not preserve privacy, etc. The same with other 
  services, emails, no strong incentives for these providers of 
  these services to make them end to end encrypted because they use 
  data for advertisements. These services need alternative funding. 
  There is also a need for standards like Verifiable Credentials so 
  services can accept something standard.
Joe Andrieu:  To Adrian's point -- are these arbiters introducing 
  centralization? We could think of them as notaries. They've 
  looked at your documentation and the person who is signing has 
  the ID card or whatever. That architecture means you are getting 
  a body to evaluate claims and make endorsements of claims.
Dcc: It seems to me that by having this graph you basically have 
  a network of people you know where these arbiters can find out 
  all kinds of information about you by with whom you associate. 
  Facebook got into trouble with exactly this.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  If you don't want the public to know you won't 
  play this SURLHI game. You won't add that person into your 
  endorsers graph. It is quite public information with whom they 
  are associated. Another thing is that it was dangerous with 
  Facebook, Cambridge Analytical also knew not just who those 
  friends were but what they liked and so on.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  Here that information can be closed, so it's 
Can you control who endorses you?
Bohdan Andriyiv:  It will be public with whom you are associated 
  but it won't be public what those people like.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  You can control who endorses you, they can 
  endorse you back.
Samantha Mathews Chase:  Why would you have people verifying 
  people's identity if you have two things like Facebook and Google 
  -- something like your location data from those two silos would 
  identify you. Why do you have to involve other people?
Samantha Mathews Chase:  If you have data from two different 
  places why can't those be credentials if they line up to tell the 
  same story?
Bohdan Andriyiv:  Can i create more than one SURLHI, and use 
  different SURLHIs at different sites?  If I can, then i can use 
  multiple DIDs, and I won't be worried about this. [scribe assist 
  by Ryan Grant]
Joe Andrieu: Nice, dlongley
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Any follow up on Samantha's last point?
Joe Andrieu:  I could download all my data from Google and 
  provide that to someone else -- I wouldn't do that.
Samantha Mathews Chase:  I'm talking about Kaliya's personal 
  cloud. It's your data. If you have two separate points, say your 
  location data on your phone and the location data of something 
  else that could prove you are in the same place.
Joe Andrieu:  The trick is how to leverage that data without 
  revealing it.
Samantha Mathews Chase:  So you need a personal cloud to do that.
Samantha Mathews Chase:  Could you have an ID that is a streaming 
  access to your data? Why are we asking for privacy when we don't 
  have it any more?
Adrian Gropper:  The arbiter doesn't solve the deduplication 
I think your use case fails when an organization works against 
Yancy_: A basic use case for DID -- essentially it would just be 
  a way for people who use social media to request reputation 
  thresholds. I'm sure people have seen spam detection on social 
  media. The idea is a reputation system that could be linked to on 
  any social media account.
They hire multiple people that then endorse one another, and get 
  a few real people to endorse them.
After establishing themselves (which may take a while), they then 
  overwhelm a reputation based service.
Yancy_: Each social media provider wouldn't need to create their 
  own banned lists and fight spammers on an individual basis but by 
  using a decentralized platform we can around the problem of 
  having one authority in charge.
I believe this is already happening today.
Yancy_: Full authority over everybody's reputation. Obviously 
  there's a lot of details to figure out as far as implementation 
  and one of the other things this algorithm could define is how 
  you could calculate reputation. Maybe even bots could have DIDs 
  that they could use to interact on social media.
Moses Ma: I think Yancy's idea is valuable and deserves more 
Yancy_: There should be a way to identify that bot activity.
Yancy_: I think that's a summary of what I had in mind.
Yancy_: The descriptions on the Google doc I shared.
Bohdan Andriyiv: Q
Kimhd -- yes.
Adrian Gropper:  Two questions. 1. Are you not describing another 
  instance of the dedup problem? I think the last thing you said in 
  terms of the bot acting or creating bots as a form of sybil 
  attack, it sounds like a variant of dedup issues from the 
  previous use case. 2. Every time I've talked to people and I'm 
  very interested in the reputation problem and using DIDs.
Adrian Gropper:  Everyone keeps coming back and saying 
  reputations have to be contextual. If we want to tackle a 
  reputation use case which I would encourage you or us to do, 
  there would have to be someway that we account for context. Or 
  that we agree what the role of context is relative to reputation.
Yancy_: Yes, your point about dedup, yes, I think there's 
  overlap. This is sort of something that goes along with some of 
  the other problems for example, someone with a DID or a spammer 
  upvotes with another spam account how do you address that?
Joe Andrieu: +1 Reputation, like trust, is not a blanket. it is 
  highly dependent on what the reputation is for
Yancy_: It would be an open problem that would need to be solved. 
  Wrt to contextual reputation, I'm not 100% sure what you mean by 
  that. Could you give a quick example?
Ryan Grant: Context: Facebook versus Linkedin
Adrian Gropper:  Having the reputation of my Lyft driver is very 
  different from their credit score reputation. If I'm a bank I 
  don't care about his driving record and if I'm a passenger I 
  don't care about the credit score.
Kim Hamilton Duffy: We're getting close to time; i'll freeze the 
  queue at Bohdan
Or you care different amounts!
Yancy_: A driving score can give you a reputation that you're not 
  a bot. So in some sense I do agree with that.
Ryan Grant:  Does use of this system -- start one with an initial 
  score that is higher than a bot if so, why? Why can't a bot just 
  do that?
Joe Andrieu: To quote from the case: "Build a reputation 
  system/algorithm where a newly acquired DID always has the lowest 
  reputation, and then over time and with favorable actions, that 
  DID can build a reputation. "
^Looks like it isn't the case
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  My reading is that everyone starts at the 
  same level and you have to increase your reputation.
Yancy_: Yes.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  Wrt to dedup, in the context of ValidBook, it's 
  not that we need to know for sure if this identity has no dups, 
  rather some percentage we can allow to have fakes. It's 
  inevitable. It's not the same as going to a physical notary that 
  checks your passport. With time SURLHI claim will be as valid a 
  physical government issued document. Regarding contextual 
  reputation, arbiters reputation is only as good as their rating 
  of SURLHI claims.
Bohdan Andriyiv:  And SURLHI is just a reputation that it's a 
  real human.
Ryan Grant: Thanks Bohdan.
Joe Andrieu:  Thanks for the discussion and for the multiple 
  people that have taken time to do a write up in the format 
  requested. Moses and Adrian we'll get you in the discussion. 
  We'll push them through a process that will refine them and pull 
  them together into a coherent single document. Great starting 
  point and thank you for the contributions.

Received on Saturday, 9 June 2018 18:02:51 UTC