[MINUTES] W3C Credentials CG Call - 2018-01-04 12pm ET

Thanks to Manu Sporny for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

DID Spec Task Force Minutes for 2018-01-04

  1. Biometric Authentication
  2. DID Spec Scope?
  3. DID Document Extensibility
  4. Fundamental DID Architecture
  Drummond Reed
  Manu Sporny
  Drummond Reed, Manu Sporny, Joe Andrieu, Adrian Gropper, Markus 
  Sabadello, Mike Lodder, Pelle Brændgaard, Nathan George, Sam 
  Smith, Chris Chapman

Manu Sporny is scribing.
Drummond Reed:  Welcome to 2018 :)
Joe Andrieu: Btw, my apologies in advance. I will not be able to 
  stay the full 90 min, but I'm glad to make what I can.
Drummond Reed:  We're driving toward closure
Drummond Reed:  Good discussion on the list, let's use that as 
  the starting point for this discussion
Drummond Reed:  The goal of these calls is to drive toward 
  closure of these calls - next stable version that we're 
  implementing to. I'm hoping we won't need these calls beyond 
Drummond Reed:  We're implementing a prototype of DKMS, highly 
  dependent on DIDs.
Drummond Reed:  We have a delivery deadline mid-march... we'd 
  really like to be implementing against a stable DID spec. Just 
  providing input - really good to drive this toward closure this 
  month if possible.
Drummond Reed:  Any other overall perspectives on progress of 
  spec, priorities of call?
Manu Sporny:  Under a deadline in mid-February as well. [scribe 
  assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  We may need to have even more frequent meetings to 
  get the next version of the spec closed. [scribe assist by 
  Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  Seeing some level of agreement in the mailing list 
  threads, but we need to go faster. [scribe assist by Drummond 
Joe Andrieu: Just an early heads up wrt to schedule stuff. It 
  looks like the spring RWoT will be the first week of March 
Joe Andrieu:  Talking about schedule, next RWoT is March 6th-8th.
Drummond Reed:  That overlaps with DC Blockchain summit.
Joe Andrieu: Santa Barbara
Adrian Gropper: Link to the DC Blockchain Summit, please...
Markus Sabadello:  Regarding schedule - reaffirm my interest to 
  work on universal resolver - as soon as there is a stable 
  version, we can upgrade that project.
Drummond Reed:  Any other broader comments before we dive in?

Topic: Biometric Authentication

Mike Lodder:  Manu, if you could send me biometric stuff that 
  you're using as a reference to better understand that, that would 
  be helpful.
Mike Lodder:  You've just made me more nervous, or it's a bad 
  idea in general, tech isn't ready yet - post it into chat, that 
  would be helpful.
Manu Sporny:  Yeah, I can do that.
Pelle Brændgaard:  Also wanted to just point out that I don't 
  think we need biometrics for daily usage - I think it would be 
  helpful, if we can't complete, what's the most important thing we 
  need to get ready right now - rather than spec out all biometrics 
  stuff -- spec out what we need for interop.
Pelle Brændgaard:  Then let spec be open for implementation of 
  biometrics - so we have a limit, so we don't make this a never 
  ending thing where we need to discuss things forever and ever. I 
  dont' think there's that much needed for most basic parts we're 
  talking about.
Pelle Brændgaard:  There may be scope stuff that we disagree on.
Drummond Reed:  I missed most of the opening explanation of 
  biometrics that manu gave on biometric template option... so, 
  suggest that we start there - short description of that... use 
  case and need for it? Is it a type of key, is it not a type of 
  key? How urgent is it to have that in the spec?
Manu Sporny:  First point - Digital Bazaar is not asking for a 
  biometric option to be spec'd out. However they would like to 
  make sure it is considered at this point so it's clear where it 
  would eventually go in the spec. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  Explains that the biometric authentication being 
  discussed is not a key, but a method of authentication. [scribe 
  assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  The state of the art in biometrics has moved far 
  beyond the earlier non-rotatable version. [scribe assist by 
  Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  Public key crypto is still a stronger form of 
  authentication than biometrics. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  You would not want to use biometrics for high-value 
  auth transactions [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  To use this method, you first need to create a 
  biometric template. All of them are proprietary today. [scribe 
  assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  The template can be very simple, like an integer, 
  or more complex, like a complex hash. [scribe assist by Drummond 
Manu Sporny:  Once you have the template you put it on a 
  biometric server, which is a system that you control, vs. one 
  controlled by others. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  Then if you can generate a biometric match against 
  that system, that system can authenticate you. But it's privacy 
  preserving because the biometric template stays under your 
  control. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  The biometric server can keep any number of 
  biometric templates of different kinds in order to provide 
  multiple biometric auth factors. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  There are standard protocols for these kinds of 
  biometric server matching approaches, such as IEEE BOPS. [scribe 
  assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  It's clear that such a template is not key 
  material, but just used for matching. [scribe assist by Drummond 
Adrian Gropper:  I understand what you mean by biometric server / 
  authentication server - to be an endpoint, authorization server 
  that HIE of One represents... you control authorization server - 
  or biometrics as you put it. Why isn't this biometric server just 
  and endpoint in the DID Document?
Adrian Gropper:  Asked manu why isn't the biometric server not 
  just an endpoint in the DID document? [scribe assist by Drummond 
Manu Sporny:  It could be modeled that way, i.e., one of the 
  service endpoints could be a biometric server using a specific 
  biometric auth protocol. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  The basic idea is that application and purpose are 
  important to consider. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  If we were to break out biometric authentication 
  into a list of services, it would just recreate the same kind of 
  authentication we are trying to solve in DID documents. [scribe 
  assist by Drummond Reed]
Drummond Reed:  If one takes the perspective that the primary 
  problem we're trying to solve with DID Document is key discovery 
  - one could argue that you don't need to talk about biometrics 
  (do it in service fields). This is an alternative perspective on 
  scope here, emphasis on problem we're solving. 
Drummond Reed:  I'm a huge supporter of what Manu just described 
  - biometric authentication service is being provided by 
  eyeRespond, Sovrin stewards - implementing Thai Fishing Fleet 
  workers and Myanmar refugees. working with iRespond on privacy 
  respecting aspects of it. 
Drummond Reed:  The way we've been planning on doing it is 
  discovery of iRespond as service endpoint and mechanism to deal 
  w/ iRespond as a service.
Adrian Gropper:  Did not understand how manu's explanation of the 
  use of a biometric server was privacy respecting. [scribe assist 
  by Drummond Reed]
Adrian Gropper:  I did not understand, from the privacy 
  perspective, manu's explanation of why template has anything to 
  do w/ DID document as opposed to being negotiated w/ whoever is 
  doing authentication out of band. I don't necessarily need 
  explanation, this is very relevant to what we care about at HIE 
  of One - we do want the endpoint to the authorization server to 
  be considred a personal/private store. It's relevant that we have 
  another use case for authentication that needs to be aligned, but 
  didn't want to take up any more time. There are scope that need 
  to be negotiated between various groups.
Adrian Gropper:  I don't understand why template is any different 
  from that?
Nathan George: +1 To agropper's comments on the scope creep 
  inherent in trying to more fully model authorization
Drummond Reed: +1
Manu Sporny:  Is hearing the arguments that DID docs are about 
  public key discovery, but not agreeing. [scribe assist by 
  Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  The thing that the biometrics discussion highlights 
  is that one of the important things that we are trying to do with 
  keys is authentication. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  It would be nice if we could log into a website 
  using the material in a DID document [scribe assist by Drummond 
Manu Sporny:  What we are trying to standardize is this universal 
  way to do authentication [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  If the scope is broadened to include something like 
  biometrics, as one more form of proof. Keys are just one 
  mechanism. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  Thinking about only keys is the wrong way to think 
  about it. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  All we need to do is one minor twist to the DID 
  documents to support these other mechanisms. [scribe assist by 
  Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  The sticking point appears to be whether the scope 
  is just public key management or whether it should include other 
  auth mechanisms. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Nathan George:  There is a subtle distinction on how we're 
  thinking about authentication - may reveal difference in design. 
  A more general authentication mechanism might leak information, 
  misleads user to determine what they're getting, more of an 
  authorization case instead of a more authentication sense. 
  Verification of non-transferrable posession of a secret, the 
  biometric template functions as a key.
Nathan George:  There is a subtle distinction about using 
  biometrics for authentication/authorization, which in turn 
  depends on a key on the biometric server. So that's why it's 
  something that goes into the array of keys. [scribe assist by 
  Drummond Reed]
Drummond Reed: ...Nathan is worried about leaking privacy 
  information in a DID document if it enables biometric 
Nathan George:  What you're doing is relying on possession of 
  hardware device - a lot like a public key in that case, if 
  they've secured it properly. One of the keys that goes in the 
  array. If we start to imply that the intent is baked into the key 
  - person consumed DID, only after they've authenticated - defer 
  authorization out of DID, we need to selectively disclose 
  information - bare minimum required for authentication, in flat 
  "key" array, we have enough for authentication piece - put 
  everything else into a service endpoint. It's generic information 
  about raw biometrics (correlatable), which wouldn't be good, we 
  should avoid.
Joe Andrieu:  Standardizing authentication through extensible 
  mechanisms doesn't mean every method needs to define all of that 
  stuff - even if some methods are not involved.
Nathan George: But it would prevent you from accepting these 
  foreign DIDs if you don't understand the more full concept, no?
Joe Andrieu:  I think we should be able to find authenticatoin 
  details in a DID document regardless of which DID Method is being 
  used. Maybe most methods don't use biometrics.
Joe Andrieu:  It also means maybe you outlined the value of 
  indirection in a spec about authentication, but we don't have a 
  good model on when you'd prevent access in a model here. I need 
  to have a filter somewhere where I can stop you from getting some 
Joe Andrieu:  That feels like a rathole - indirection is probably 
  the better way to handle it.
Nathan George: Use case example: in the future a template scheme 
  is discovered to be flawed, so you only want to disclose the 
  information to parties that have an existing relationship
Nathan George: (It is fair to point out that a key derivation 
  scheme, or a bad one, could have similar issues)

Topic: DID Spec Scope?

Drummond Reed:  I think this is a good discussion - I get the 
  value of biometrics discussion, but actual scope difference 
  between DID Document being public key discover and service 
  endpoint discovery - you may want to do authentication some other 
  way. Authentication/authorization is some other field? What's the 
  scope of the DID Document? Provide any kind of authentication 
  proof material? Or public service endpoint discovery?
Drummond Reed:  What is the scope here? Any form of 
  authentication material? Or just keys only?
Pelle Brændgaard:  I think that's a good way of decisioning this, 
  but we should be open for all kinds of stuff in the future. What 
  we need right now is public key to verify different kinds of data
Drummond Reed: +1 To the primary use case being "public keys"
Nathan George: +1
Pelle Brændgaard:  I don't necessarily think that that needs to 
  be an official requirement of DID spec - some kinds of 
  authentication methods, I'm fine with that... I'm also fine w/ 
  keys. If we accept that primary use case is public keys, we don't 
  have to have to spec out what's in DID spec, we could do that in 
  a separate spec... how do you get a public key for a particular 
  purpose? I need to get public key for DID doc, but I think we can 
  do everything that Manu wants w/o stopping public key part of it 
  as long as we accept that it's essentially a container.
Pelle Brændgaard:  If you want to do something w/ biometrics, by 
  all means put it in "authentication", but we don't have to go 
  into any details about that.
Joe Andrieu: +1 To extensibility in light of the primary use 
  today as public keys
Pelle Brændgaard:  For drummonds point - if there are two 
  particular things that DID Document is good at we can standardize 
  that, we don't need to dive into details on stuff like 
  biometrics, but provide space for it... don't want that to stop 
  us from getting public key stuff done.
Drummond Reed: +1 To not limiting the DID document to just pubic 
  key and service discovery.
Sam Smith:  This discussion is interesting, I'm having a hard 
  time figuring out where to jump in. It's clear that there is a 
  divide here, what I'm hearing is a desire for DID Documents to be 
  a source of more than just minimalist metadata to bootstrap 
  decentralized identifier.
Sam Smith:  I get the argument, for a little bit of extra work, 
  we can add more functionality where we can't terminate because 
  every little bit gets us more - but it adds to discussion wrt. 
  are we doing it the right way. It's starting to get to where I 
  don't know what the DID document is for.
Sam Smith:  I thought it was so we could bootstrap control over 
  public/private key pair to DID... now we're talking about 
  authenticating other data, not just the DID itself. I don't think 
  that ends. Now we don't have to specify all those other use 
  cases, every protocol for every other authentication mechanism.
Sam Smith:  Who controls the DID, who controls metadata, anything 
  more than that is a lot of extra work. It's not necessary to 
  bootstrap into all those things we need to do. Who owns the DID, 
  how is that DID controlled, it's a service endpoint that's not 
  essential to the DID Document.
Drummond Reed: +1 To the scope of the DID document being what is 
  "essential to a DID document"
Nathan George: +1 To samsmith.  If we can bootstrap with that 
  much we can figure the rest out.

Topic: DID Document Extensibility

Markus Sabadello:  Not a cryptographer or biometrics, should DID 
  document be primarily about public key discovery or support 
  broader set of authentication material. I like extensibility, so 
  would support what Manu's suggesting, have option for 
  extensibility, if people want to publish that, we shouldn't 
  prohibit that even if we increase correlation/reduce privacy 
Markus Sabadello:  Publishing public keys is main objective, we 
  should not restrict it to it... may want to publish verifiable 
  credentials in DID document, so why not biometric template.
Manu Sporny:  Wanted to underscore that everyone wants to do 
  public key discovery. And Digital Bazaar is not suggesting in any 
  way that it not important. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  But at the same time we should not put off other 
  authentication options. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Joe Andrieu: I need to run. Thanks. This is good work, folks.
Manu Sporny:  If we can say where other type of authentication 
  material would go in the DID document, that would provide the 
  extensibility that Markus spoke to. [scribe assist by Drummond 
Manu Sporny:  So methods or applications that don't need other 
  forms of authentication don't have to use them. [scribe assist by 
  Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  Would broaden "DID documents are about public key 
  and service endpoint discovery" to "DID documents are about 
  discovery, period". [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  That includes publication of all types of discovery 
  info, potentially even public credentials. [scribe assist by 
  Drummond Reed]
Adrian Gropper: +1 To Manu : DID documents are about discovery
Markus Sabadello: +1 To broader concept of discovery
Manu Sporny:  We would put biometric auth details out of scope 
  for the DID spec itself, but leave a place for it. [scribe assist 
  by Drummond Reed]
Sam Smith: Authentication of what?  Did owner or something else
Drummond Reed:  I think we're getting clarity around difference 
  between DID Documents being around public key discovery and 
  service endpoint discovery, and it being about discovery in 
Drummond Reed:  You will have one architecture w/ the narrower 
  scope and a different architecture with the broader one.
Adrian Gropper: We can assume that institutions will index DID 
Drummond Reed:  If we could solve one and only one thing w/ DID 
  documents, keys and service discovery - it's hard to argue 
  against extensibility - one approach to take is extensibility - 
  use JSON-LD? For thing that I'm claiming is essential, public key 
  discovery, service discovery - here are data structures to do 
Drummond Reed:  The third thing - here's how you do other forms 
  of discovery - here are specific branches/vocabs for at least two 
  other things, biometric authentication services, so we can say 
  here's how you extend it - here's how you extend it.
Drummond Reed:  Any such extensions are out of scope - proposal, 
  would love to get feedback on that.
Markus Sabadello:  That sounds good to me - how to describe key 
  service endpoints - possible to extend that - w/ other branches.
Pelle Brændgaard: I'm in agreement with Drummonds suggestions
Markus Sabadello:  If the data model is RDF/JSON-LD, you have 
  open world assumption anyway - add attributes/predicates to that 
  data model anyway. It doesn't make sense to have extensible graph 
  model and then tell people they can't use the extensibility.
Drummond Reed: +1 To Markus' point that if we have a specific 
  extensibility model, we can all use it
Nathan George:  I was going to add - semantics of whether we call 
  it key wrt. data linkages that comes from an external system - 
  what do I have to check to see if its the actual person - 
  practical interop of that is what I want to preserve. As long as 
  we can preseve that, we're good.
Nathan George:  I want to make sure that if I get a DID, I can 
  check to make sure who that is.

Topic: Fundamental DID Architecture

Drummond Reed:  This crystalizes the fundamental architecture of 
  what we're after - it puts a solid stake in the ground to get to 
  the extensibility model we want. If there is agreement about 
  that, there could be branches of the DID Document that we are 
  going to define.
Drummond Reed:  Here's what we're defining for bootstrap 
  functionality - first we're defining how we're doing public key 
  discovery - branch for doing that - and how you do service 
Drummond Reed:  There is a difference in the emphasis in public 
  key discovery - authentication being something you want to do, 
  other thing that came up on the thread -- authentication and 
  encryption - if you pay attention to one w/o the other, you're 
  missing the point... keys are not just for authentication.... 
  public key management, hope I'm not just carrying that 
  perspective, that was the problem that public key crypto solved.
Drummond Reed:  So, if we can focus on architecture - public key 
  discovery, then service discovery - if we want to go about it in 
  that way - how do we get to a proposal on public key management 
  piece - service endpoint piece, then have proposals on other two, 
  spec and wrap text on it, finish this month.
Manu Sporny:  If we are agreed on an open world data model, then 
  the spec is inherently extensible. That question has come up many 
  times in terms of what is required in the spec, and the need for 
  naive JSON support. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  Would like to avoid the extensibility debate. 
  [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  RE Drummond's proposal to standardize specific 
  branches, Manu agrees that service discovery is one of the 
  branches. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  But the question of public key discovery is not 
  clear. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  If it about public key discovery, then it's about 
  an array of keys. If it's about purposes like auth and 
  encryption, then we have two different branches. [scribe assist 
  by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  The concrete proposal that Manu is making is to 
  pick apart the concrete proposals on the mailing list, and decide 
  on the basis of that narrower scope how best to handle the 
  problem. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Pelle Brændgaard:  About extensibility - I don't think it has to 
  be anything particularly complex - it's a data object, we specify 
  for areas that we are standardizing, we have a type, purpose, 
  this could be used for something that can be updated in the 
  future, otherwise anything that you can put in the DID document, 
  go a head.
Pelle Brændgaard:  If I want to go in and authenticate something 
  from Sovrin, I can get public key data, I can get service 
  endpoints, that's all we need. Put LinkedIn names, we're doing 
  that already in proto DID, no need for specific formal bit on 
  extensibility - put anything you want for your particular method, 
  it can be JSOn-LD, if you don't want it use something else.
Manu Sporny:  Has a word of warning about "use anything for 
  extensibility" [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Pelle Brændgaard: The only point is that we don't need to worry 
  about it right now. We can deal with that elsewhere
Manu Sporny:  The problem of semantic conflict is going to rear 
  its head if we follow a "laisse faire" approach to extensibility. 
  [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  This is the problem that RDF & JSON-LD solves. 
  [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Drummond Reed: Drummond is on the queue to talk about the 
  previous discussion about support for naive JSON.
Drummond Reed:  I do agree that we want to specify the 
  extensibility model clearly... want to point everyone back to a 
  conversation at W3C TPAC - is it possible to specify the core 
  branches are understandable to naieve JSON developers?
Drummond Reed:  To deal w/ that issue, simple DID Document 
  parsers, we should adopt that same approach.
Drummond Reed:  I do agree w/ Manu's point - if we're going to 
  talk about structure of branches, one thing we should do is -- 
  service endpoint branch, let's get proposals up there, define 
  that and close on it as quickly as it can. We have already 
  identified that there are interactions w/ those endpoints and 
Drummond Reed:  Service endpoint may need to reference key.
Drummond Reed:  I think we're down to this question - is it key 
  management first and auth/encrypt purposes, or is it organized by 
  purpose? Keys in different branches of the graph? There is no 
  a-priori argument - no pure logical argument you can make for 
  those decisions.
Drummond Reed:  Let's use the list, any mechanism that we can to 
  close these issues.
Drummond Reed:  We've made a fair amount of progress, will try to 
  summarize to email list...
Pelle Brændgaard: Sorry have to run to another meeting
Manu Sporny:  Sees a potential clear compromise between the two 
  worldviews. It is for one group to set up a keys array, and other 
  to set up an authentication and encryption branches. [scribe 
  assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  The downside is that actually doing discovery is 
  more complex for developers. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  This may also have security vulnerabilities. 
  [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Manu Sporny:  If all else fails, we could end up deciding on 
  that. [scribe assist by Drummond Reed]
Drummond Reed:  Ok, with that, take discussion to mailing list 
  then take rest of discussion to mailing list.

Received on Friday, 5 January 2018 17:57:11 UTC