Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2017-03-07

Thanks to Adam Lake for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Verifiable Claims telecon are now available:

Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2017-03-07

  1. Status of VCWG Creation
  2. Meeting for 2017-03-28 Cancelled
  3. IMS Badge Summit Update
  4. RWoT Demo Status
  5. Prioritizing Pull Requests
  6. Actions Item Review
  7. Suggestions for Next Meeting Agenda
Action Items:
  1. JoeAndrieu to review NIST privacy template in the context of 
    Adrian Gropper's prescription use case.
  2. Manu to invite uPort to group to talk/demo their work.
  Manu Sporny
  Adam Lake
  Adam Lake, Manu Sporny, Matt Stone, Richard Varn, Nate Otto, 
  Christopher Allen, Joe Andrieu, Adam Migus, Jonathan Holt, Abbas 
  Ali, Nathan George, David I. Lehn, Dave Longley, Gregg Kellogg, 
  Sean Bohan, Colleen Kennedy, Matthew Larson

Adam Lake is scribing.

Topic: Status of VCWG Creation

Manu Sporny:  There should be a revised charter out. W3C 
  management has put out a new charter for review. Including a 
  response to all the formal rejections. It went out to the mailing 
Manu Sporny: Revised Charter is here - request for comments is 
Manu Sporny:  W3c non-members will not be able to see this. 
  Members please be sure to read it and reply whether or not you 
  agree. Dave is taking on responding to criticisms  and doing a 
  great job.
Matt Stone:  Is Dave Raggett going to be the new contact?
Manu Sporny:  You should ask reps to see why you are not being 
  pinged on this. Matt and Richard, very important that you read 
  through the w3c update and that the group respond in the next 

Topic: Meeting for 2017-03-28 Cancelled

Richard Varn:  We are not having a meeting on the 28th of March, 
  chairs are not available.

Topic: IMS Badge Summit Update

Richard Varn:  Who has attended the IMS(sp) badge summit? Anyone 
  have anything to share about the summit?
Richard Varn:  Nobody on the call seems to have attended the 
Richard Varn:  Did anyone attend the Parchment Summit? I 
  attended. it was well attended. It focused on education. It 
  supported the work we are doing here. We are trying to coordinate 
  with other standards bodies.
Manu Sporny:  Did you Talk with Stewart while you were there?
Richard Varn:  No, but I made another contact and will look that 
  contact up and share it with the group.
Manu Sporny:  We should be doing bimonthly check-ins with IMS to 
  make sure we're synced up

Topic: RWoT Demo Status

Nate Otto: I'm IRC-only today. I'll do my assigned tickets (pull 
  requests instead of just comments this time) ASAP.
Manu Sporny:  Joe and I have not been able to talk about it yet. 
  Out org, Digital Bazaar, is going into productions with our 
  claims technology. We are want to create a UN card to address a 
  refugee use case. We need to get the UN's blessing before moving 
  forward. We are going to be demoing the technology with videos 
  and sending those to the group.
Manu Sporny:  In short we are going to be testing in 
  demonstrating the the claims technology.
Christopher Allen:  I have been working on the bitcoin DID 
  implementation . It is currently primitive but looks good. I want 
  to track other examples of wallets. We need to be sure as a group 
  to talk about signature algorithms and other supporting 
  structures for verifiable claims. I am happy to talk with anyone 
  about these pieces before RWoT
JoeA, ChristopherA, and manu are going to meet about these 

Topic: Prioritizing Pull Requests

Manu Sporny: Current status of Pull requests:
Richard Varn:  Of the 5 identified pull requests, which of these 
  are priorities?
Manu Sporny:
Matt Stone:  Last week we talked about the life cycle of a pull 
  request. There are some older PR's that are older and still 
  getting a lot of activity. Some are not getting activity.
Manu Sporny:
Manu Sporny:  There are two PR's that I've processed as an 
  editor. We waited a week, got a reviewer to submit a comment. We 
  pulled the PR in anyway. If you still object, please raise an 
  issue referencing specific text.
Manu Sporny:  We don't want to delay the time it takes to get the 
  spec text in the doc because we want to move the process along.
Manu Sporny: Joe, take a look here:
Manu Sporny:  The PR's with active discussion. Joe, I said your 
  PR(#37) was great last week but now noticed that there are a lot 
  of comments that have not been responded to. I think it's best 
  practice to respond to all comments and specify if a change has 
  been made.
Joe Andrieu:  That makes sense.
Manu Sporny:  To be fair we did not say anything about responding 
  to comments last week.
Adam Migus: I will consider myself pestered
Manu Sporny: We need reviewers on:
Adam Migus: And promise to take a look today and tomorrow.
Manu Sporny:  The other PR is PR 38. We are waiting on Adam and 
  Joe, or anyone else to take a look at that PR and make comments. 
  We need reviewers on PR 38
Richard Varn:  On different topic, my rep says that a new charter 
  has not been sent out. Says he searched through the AC forum and 
  founding nothing.
Manu Sporny: Here's the link to the W3C AC mailing list on 
  Verifiable Claims charter:

Topic: Actions Item Review

Christopher Allen: Is there anyone else interested in moving the 
  WoT use case forward?
Richard Varn:  We have 5 items. Does anyone have anything to 
Matt Stone:
Adam Migus:  I just sent something out to the list just before 
  this meeting.
Adam Migus:  Sent 30 minutes to the public credentials list
Manu Sporny:  Yes, that is the list to use.
Richard Varn:  That actions item is closed, any other reports on 
  action items?
Manu Sporny: Here are the privacy issues:
Matt Stone: On previous topic: amigus email re: privacy:
Manu Sporny:  I have assigned all the privacy sections. Anything 
  tagged with privacy has an assignee. Nobody has more than two 
  items. Let us know if you want to work on privacy issues.
Richard Varn:   That action item is closed.
Matt Stone:  What do we do with the privacy risk templates now 
  that we have them?
Joe Andrieu:  We want to apply them to Adrian Gropper's 
  prescription use case

ACTION: JoeAndrieu to review NIST privacy template in the context 
  of Adrian Gropper's prescription use case.

Adam Migus:  I mentioned in the email that the sheets are a 
  workflow. They are a technology solution rather than a use case 
  solution. Eventually when we get something nearly complete we can 
  get in touch with NIST.
Manu Sporny: +1 To that!
Christopher Allen: BTW, Adrian & andrieu: The final coala/consent 
  paper from the last RWoT is out, and it has a medical use case in 
Manu Sporny:  The purpose of the NIST worksheet is a pretty heavy 
  tool. The privacy sections are more lightweight. We don't need to 
  apply the NIST worksheet to our work.
Adam Migus:  There are materials in the NIST worksheets that are 
  useful. Agree with Manu that they are heavy. There is a catalogue 
  of of harms and other sections that are very useful on the NIST 
  sheets. It's a good idea to read them.

Topic: Suggestions for Next Meeting Agenda

Christopher Allen: I would like to see some more discussion of 
  the WoT use case with solid examples.
Manu Sporny:  We are going to start running out of things to talk 
  about if people don't contribute more to the spec.
Manu Sporny: DO NOT CORRELATE flag for the data model:
Christopher Allen: WoT use case:
Jonathan Holt: Probably just as useful as robots.txt file, but at 
  least it exists
Manu Sporny:  Do not correlate flag as part of the data model. 
  Europe is potentially passing legislation in this area.
Christopher Allen: is the GDPR official 
Christopher Allen: GDPR is definately a topic of  #RWoT in Paris
Joe Andrieu:  I was getting the agenda as a cc. I joined the list 
  and have not been getting the agenda for the last two weeks
Abbas Ali:  I got the agenda on Friday
Richard Varn:  It is sent to the wc3 credentials group.
Christopher Allen: BTW, the registration page for #RWoT Paris on 
  April 19th is
Matt Stone: Adam's note went to: and 
  agenda went to:
Adam Migus: I sent the PRAM sheets to public-credentials which is 
  where I recieve the agrendas from...
Manu Sporny: All email should now be going to:
Manu Sporny:  For whatever reason the agenda did not make it to 
  that list, but it should have. It's probably stuck in w3c.
Adam Migus: I did get a roadblock asking me to accept that my 
  email would be archived. Once i said 'yes' to that, the message 
  went through
Nathan George: I believe it did come through with the subject of 
  "Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2017-03-07"
Manu Sporny:  Everyone needs to be registered with W3C with the 
  appropriate email address or you won't get the emails.
Adam Migus:  I have a new email roadblock--need to agree to have 
  email archived. If you have not agreed to this you may not be 
  getting emails.
Richard Varn:  Agenda items for next week 1) do not correlate 
  flag 2) RWoT demo
Christopher Allen:  Everyone is welcome to come to the Rebooting 
  Web of Trust conference in Paris starting April 18th.
Christopher Allen:  We are talking about the implementation side 
  as well, wallet intersection of DID's and Claims. Lets go over 
  some of the examples in the next meeting.
Manu Sporny:  To address something ChristopherA. We have near 
  production ready work for DID's. It uses a protocol to move the 
  verifiable claims around using DID'd. We are very close to a 
  production ready system.
Manu Sporny:  I am happy to take people through a demo during the 
  next meeting. We don't want it to be a product demo, we want it 
  to be a capabilities demo.
Christopher Allen:  It's worthwhile to have screenshots but am 
  concerned it will derail things if we get too deeply into the 
  details. I prefer a use case would address thinks like what is 
  missing from It would be great to see those 
  screenshots. We should reach out to others to see the demos.
Manu Sporny: +1 To inviting the uPort team to talk/demo.
Christopher Allen:  Joe has ben working at the RWoT on a specific 
  model around refugees. That is fairly well developed. Separately 
  from that is general PGP stuff and replicating that. I am going 
  basic to reproduce what PGP did.
Christopher Allen: Here is the use case side of WoT

ACTION: Manu to invite uPort to group to talk/demo their work.

Christopher Allen: Here is the data side:

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2017 17:40:09 UTC