Today's updates to mission statement

Hi all,
We had one final update today to address David Chadwick's comment about
user control. Per our discussion today, we are going to keep the tomorrow
deadline (8/23) for further comments/concerns.

*Updated draft (change bolded):*

“The mission of the Credentials Community Group is to explore the creation,
storage, presentation, verification, and *user control of *credentials. We
focus on a verifiable credential (a set of claims) created by an issuer
about a subject—a person, group, or thing—and seek solutions inclusive of
approaches such as: self-sovereign identity; presentation of proofs by the
bearer; data minimization; and centralized, federated, and decentralized
registry and identity systems. Our tasks include drafting and incubating
Internet specifications for further standardization and prototyping and
testing reference implementations.”

*Source document (add comments here)*

Kim Hamilton Duffy
Principal Engineer | Learning Machine + MIT Media Lab
Co-chair W3C Credentials Community Group
400 Main Street Building E19-732, Cambridge, MA 02139
12001 N. Central Expy, Suite 1025, Dallas, TX 75243 |
425-652-0150 |

Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2017 19:40:12 UTC