Re: 🔔 Linked Data Notifications: Call for feedback and implementations


Within the domain of VR / AR, often some sort of object is used in print
material to help a phone app launch.

Do you know of any open-badge implementation that uses some form of fed
image data (ie: red bull bottle) then generates sufficient entropy with a
processed output print ready badge?

Melvin did some work in the area some time ago, looking at t-shirts from
memory.. This concept attempts to consider how agencies may use customer
brands to achieve the same function as a proprietary badge provided with a
particular app.

A foundational concept for an AR browser IMHO.

On Thu, 22 Sep 2016 at 6:27 AM, Nate Otto <> wrote:

> Timothy, Steven:
> I've been taking a look at the Caliper analytics vocabulary. This is a
> lightweight Linked Data-based event reporting system to describe many types
> of events, mostly around educational achievements.
> We're in the early stage of drafting up a Caliper "profile" to describe a
> number of events around Open Badges. After an initial review from Caliper
> experts, we're going to generalize a few of the verbs defined in the draft
> to generalize them to make sure they can apply to more types of credentials
> and objects than just Open Badges.
> Nate Otto
> Director, Open Badges, Concentric Sky

Received on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 21:46:53 UTC