Re: Alternative terminology for "consumer"

On 03/31/2016 11:28 AM, Varn, Richard J wrote:
> I had one additional thought about the consumer of claims. It
> strikes me that the role they are actually playing is gatekeeper. I
> got to this after thinking about the various processes in which
> claims are used and the reason that someone wants your claim/s is to
> evaluate it/them in a context. If the evaluation finds the claims
> and attendant and other sources of evidence sufficient, you get a
> chance at an opportunity, access to something, a permission, a
> benefit, and so on. I am not sure gatekeeper is the best word but
> wanted to share the line of thinking and see how it may help.

I've had a similar thought, (with terms like "gatekeeper", "guard",
"sentinel", etc.) but felt it seemed those terms or many like it had too
many negative or militaristic connotations. That concept is where the
friendlier "approver" term came from. "Verifier" and "authenticator" are
in a similar vein.

Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 31 March 2016 15:57:59 UTC