Re: Alternative terminology for "consumer"

On 03/30/2016 10:34 AM, Varn, Richard J wrote:
> We call the actor about whom the claim is made an “earner” as they
> earned the claim in some fashion  This may not work for all uses
> descriptively but it has a positive sound to it.

It does have a nice positive ring to it for certain scenarios. However,
it's true that it doesn't work for many cases, such as place of birth,
age, citizenship, address, email, and so on (though I suppose you could
argue that some of those may be "earned" in some sense!). I think
"holder" is working for that actor for most people in the more generic
case. But others can correct me if they feel differently.

> We use “consumer” for the one who uses an earner’s claim so plus one
> there.  The source of the evidence for the claim is from the
> “issuer” of the claim (this is where I really miss being able to say
> credential).

I think we'll be able to say a credential is a set of verifiable claims.
It's the container for claims.

Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 14:59:32 UTC