Update on use cases

As per the conclusions from the VCTF meeting last week, I am in the process
of creating TWO use case documents.  The first, targeted at very limited
VCTF issues, is to support the charter discussions we plan to have soon.
The other is this larger, extended collection of requirements / use cases
that describe and inform the larger vision.

Please keep up these discussions about additional use cases!  This is
great!  But know that most of these will end up in the "extended" camp
unless they are immediately relevant to the charter focused limited
document.  We don't want to overwhelm the casual reader with all of the
reasons verifiable claims are awesome!

I will send out a pointer to the limited version of the use case document

Questions?  you know where to find me.

Shane McCarron
Projects Manager, Spec-Ops

Received on Saturday, 5 March 2016 19:29:09 UTC