Re: Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-04-19


Thank you for your reflections and commentary.  IMHO, just because
something is hard doesn't mean it shouldn't be attempted, especially given
the talent of computer scientists in this Task Force.  Furthermore, I see
the fact that it's "hard" as an opportunity for a W3C effort to solve it.
Lastly, yes, you can always wait.  To that I would like to reference a
recent survey of Fortune 100 CEO's that were asked to express in one word
what they see as the most important thing their company needs to do to be
successful in the 21st century?"  The predominant answer was "Speed."  --->
Like you said, "there's no going back."


TrueCred™ | Digital Credential Trust™

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On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Steven Rowat <>

> On 4/19/16 11:51 PM, Kaspar Korjus wrote:
>> Steven, regarding your comments about Google and MDFT blocks etc.. I
>> would like to say a few supportive comments on the things you're building.
> [snip]
>> Also, this e-residents today need some kind of Verifiable Claims
>> platform. I'm here to learn more about it, but if it would work out,
>> we could give you pretty cool use case as the first government who has
>> fully implemented the platform for not only its own citizens but for
>> everybody, internationally.
> Interesting. And the three links you sent about e-Residency in the later
> post were quite an eye-opener for me.
> (These were:
> .
> )
> However, after reading the first two white papers from the first
> #RebootingWebOfTrust Workshop:
> I see that things are moving fast in parallel in various places in the
> world, and we're at a point where, at least for me, it's best to step back
> and take stock: does the path lie in government, in corporations, in peer
> to peer? What combination of those?
> That second #rebooting white paper, with verifiable claims use-cases, is
> the best I've seen on the subject (clearer for me than the one being
> developed by the VCTF, at least in the latter's current form).
> Putting all these parallel threads together to decide what *might* happen
> next, and how to help that, seems very difficult. I feel like stepping back
> to look at the big picture is the best strategy at this moment.
> If I do that, my thoughts go something like:
>   a) Because of the Internet, all humans can, and increasingly do,
> consider themselves global citizens rather than national citizens.
> Especially young educated people expect this. There's no going back.
>   a) ID cards that declare this already exist: Estonia's e-Residency card,
> my Bank's Direct Deposit card, and Visa's Credit card, all have that same
> chip technology and essentially are identical. They enable the
> owner/holder, cross-border, to *act* like a global citizen.
>   c) If other governments can tolerate things like e-Residency, perhaps
> this will proliferate, and we'll have dozens or hundreds of digital ID
> cards issued by different government and companies and maybe even
> non-profits, that allow people to do cross-border commerce outside their
> own countries. This will be chaotic, but will allow choice of ID system at
> least.
>  d) But perhaps the UN efforts at Identity, upcoming April and May of this
> year and ongoing, will create an actual Global ID version, a United Nations
> ID card. One card to rule them. Maybe Estonia's will take over and be
> adopted by the UN. Or Visa's. :-) . Or my bank's. ;-)
> I'd prefer d) for efficiency, except that it leads to the possibility of
> big brother. Nowhere to go if there's a backdoor with unfriendly eyes
> peering in.
> So until a trustable blockchain (or whatever) exists, it seems like 'c' is
> most likely. Multiple types of ID systems will compete, at least in the
> near future.
> And if that's what happens, then where that would leave an attempt to make
> a single Verifiable Credentials standard? Perhaps it makes it even more
> important. But harder to achieve.
> Perhaps Verifiable Credentials work is just slightly too early -- maybe we
> need to know how things like e-Residency and the UN work pan out, before
> attempting to sync with them.
> Or is it the reverse -- that, as Kaspar indicates, they're waiting for VF
> work to be completed so they can integrated it? Maybe just going ahead and
> publicly discussing more use-case functions, writing more code, making more
> mock-ups of more UIs, so that more people can try it out, and, maybe, adopt
> it?
> ?
> Steven Rowat

Received on Thursday, 21 April 2016 22:01:31 UTC