Re: Recruiting list fairly complete

On 03/16/2015 03:18 AM, Adrian Hope-Bailie wrote:
> Why is it necessary to be explicit about the types of claims the 
> group is looking at?

You raise a good point. There's too much repetition in the first 2-3
paragraphs of the document. More below...

> The concept of "claims" with regard to the definition of identities 
> is well known, could the opening paragraph be reworded to simply 
> say:
> The mission of the Credentials Working Group is to standardize a 
> mechanism for exchanging provably-authentic claims about an entity 
> via the Web.

We had that a while ago and I felt it was too generic, so rewrote it to
provide some examples.

Typically, the first paragraph in a charter is more or less the
'abstract' of the group's mission. If someone can't read it and walk
away with a solid idea of what the group is doing, it's probably not a
good opening.

Without examples, it's hard for people not from the "credentials" world
to understand what the group is doing. The charter is more for outsiders
than us, so it's important we open with something that provides a
complete (if fuzzy) picture of what the group does.

Happy to change it, but I don't think your text above accomplishes that.

> Second, should the charter not reference some existing technologies 
> in this space and indicate why these are not considered sufficient
> to achieve the mission of the group or is this premature in the 
> charter?

Those items are typically placed into a workshop report or analysis
document. A charter is more about what the group is doing rather than
the set of facts that led to the group's creation.

That said, you're highlighting a weakness that we have - we don't
explain why the current technologies such as OpenID Connect, OAuth2,
JOSE, etc. don't work. We should do that, because we're going to need
that to make the case to create a new Working Group.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Marathonic Dawn of Web Payments

Received on Monday, 23 March 2015 03:05:41 UTC