Physical Ledger Community Group Launched

With your support, the Physical Ledger Community Group has been launched:

This group was originally proposed on 2017-02-25
by jollen chen. The following people supported its
      jollen chen
      Mohamed ZERGAOUI
      Tomislav Novak
      Horng-Yih Lai
      Polo Wu
To join the group, please use:

Please note that supporting a group is different from joining
a group. Supporters must also enroll if they wish to participate.

The initial mission of the Physical Ledger community group is to develop
a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that allows physical IoT devices
to create, disseminate and store transactional data using the web
technologies. The group develops a technical specification and produce
sample codes.  The ideal members are those who has skills in Web
technologies and have interests in the IoT technologies.

Thank you,

W3C Community Development Team

Received on Friday, 10 March 2017 18:50:01 UTC