Exposing IEEE LOM metadata as Linked Data Community Group Launched

With your support, the Exposing IEEE LOM metadata as Linked Data Community Group has been launched:

To join:

This group was originally proposed on 2014-05-21
by Enayat Rajabi. The following people supported its
      Enayat Rajabi
      Masahito Kawamori
      Amandeep Sidhu
      Ethan Dagner
      Jason Haag
This community recommends an approach for exposing IEEE Learning Object
Metadata (LOM), a metadata standard for educational contents, as Linked
Data. It is intended as a bridge for linkage of educational metadata
into Linked Open Data (LOD). This community aims to describe a mapping
of IEEE LOM elements to RDF based on Linked Data principles.

Thank you,

W3C Community Development Team

Received on Tuesday, 10 March 2015 13:34:28 UTC