Touch Events Community Group Launched

With your support, the Touch Events Community Group has been launched:

To join:

This group was originally proposed on 2013-10-28
by Arthur Barstow. The following people supported its
      Arthur Barstow
      Doug Schepers
      Rick Byers
      Scott González
      Cathy Chan
The Touch Events community group was formed by members of the Web Events
Working Group (responsible for the Touch Events specification) and the
Pointer Events Working Group (responsible for the Pointer Events spec).
The group's focus is to determine differences in touch event behavior
between browsers. The group seeks to form consensus on the best
approaches for interoperability outside of what's already standardized.

Among the topics in scope for this group:

* Defining how touch-action should be implemented in browsers that
support touch events; see [1].

* Defining the "right" TouchEvent / PointerEvent interaction for both
browsers and pointer event polyfills; see [2].

* Trying to form consensus on how exactly browsers should behave in
sending touch events when scrolling starts (f.ex. see the following
public-webevents thread [3]).

* Identifying other differences that exist between these events.

* Discussing problems web/framework developers have with the design of
touch events; see [4].

* Define "mappings" between Touch Events and Pointer Events (f.ex. see

* Define the relationships between touch-pointer-mouse.

The group also expects to make proposals for potential future







Thank you,

W3C Community Development Team

Received on Monday, 28 October 2013 20:42:26 UTC