The text of Failure Example 3 does not read well

Name: Martijn Houtepen
Affiliation: Accessibility Foundation
Document: TD
Item Number: F68
Part of Item: Examples
Comment Type: editorial
Summary of Issue: The text of Failure Example 3 does not read well
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
The word "does"  is in the wrong place in the first sentence of example 3

Current text:
"Failure Example 3:

The search text box does in the following code example not have a programmatically determinable name. The name can be supplied with any of the approaches mentioned above."

Proposed Change:
Failure Example 3:

The search text box in the following code example does not have a programmatically determinable name. The name can be supplied with any of the approaches mentioned above.

Received on Friday, 8 January 2016 08:58:50 UTC