Harmonized typography, and correct link

Name: Olle Olsson
Email: olleo@sics.se
Affiliation: SICS
Document: W2
Item Number: Appendix A: Glossary
Part of Item: 
Comment Type: editorial
Summary of Issue: Harmonized typography, and correct link
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):

- Item: "section"
  Comment: First word should not be with leading capital letter.

- Item "text alternative

  Comment: First word should not be with leading capital letter.

- Item: "video-only"

  Comment: in the sentence
       >> a time-based presentation that contains only video (no audio and no interaction) <<
  the phrase between parentheses has markup:
    >> (no <a title="definition: video" href="#videodef" class="termref">audio</a> and no interaction) <<
  Presumably, the link should go to "#audiodef", not "#videodef"

Proposed Change:
Clear from the comment above.

Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2012 13:12:51 UTC