Test contradicts other options to meet SC 1.4.4

Name: Detlev Fischer
Email: fischer@dias.de
Affiliation: DIAS GmbH
Document: TD
Item Number: C20
Part of Item: Applicability
Comment Type: general comment
Summary of Issue: Test contradicts other options to meet SC 1.4.4
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
Both the first sufficient technique quoted in "How to meet SC 1.4.4" as well as the fourth, G179, allow for designs where containers may be defined in px.

Proposed Change:
Unclear. The four options / sets of techniques offered to meet 1.4.4 seem somewhat contradictory. 

Possibly qualify:

"When liquid layout techniques are chosen to satisfy SC 1.4.4:"

Received on Monday, 10 January 2011 13:39:02 UTC