use of fieldset should not be required for any group of logically related input elements

Name: Detlev Fischer
Affiliation: DIAS GmbH
Document: TD
Item Number: H71
Part of Item: Tests
Comment Type: technical
Summary of Issue: use of fieldset should not be required for any group of logically related input elements
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
The test mandates the use of fieldset for any logically related group of input elements while the description of the same technique allows:

"When a small group of related radio buttons includes clear instructions and distinct selections it may not be necessary to use fieldsets and legends"

Proposed Change:
Have a conditional at the beginning of the tests:

"For any group of logically related input elements that is not small easily identified in its labels or titles"

..or similar

Received on Thursday, 6 January 2011 14:41:50 UTC