Re: A first list of errors on Understanding WCAG 2.0 document

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 8:04 AM, Sylvie duchateau
<> wrote:
> Dear all,
> As LTO organization for the translation of "understanding WCAG 2.0" into
> French, we have already sent a message to the list concerning a broken link.
> This message is archived at:
> We found several other erros in the Understanding document and we will send
> our comments to the list. We will inform you whether we have corrected these
> mistakes in the translation or ask you for advice.
> 1. We added language identification at the beginning of each translated file
> of each success criterion.
> 2. In the resources section of each success criterion there is no
> information about the language of the resource (dutch, japanese...) and no
> language identification about the resource title. We added this information
> in the French translation.
> 3. In SC 1.3.1, section "Common failures", the failure F2 has been listed
> twice. We will remove one occurence in the translation.
> 4. F30 talks about "failure of SC" instead of Success ciretirion". We will
> write both words Success Criterion and not SC.
> 5. F87, F88 and F89 do not mention the words Success Criterion. F87, for
> example, says: "F87: Failure of 1.3.1 due to inserting non-decorative
> content by using :before and :after pseudo-elements and the 'content'
> property in CSS". We will add "failure of Success Criterion 1.3.1" in the
> translation.
> 6. In SC 1.4.1, broken link as mentionned in previous archived e-mail.
> 7. In SC 1.4.3: in the "intent of this success criteria" section the anchor
> to "resources" does not work as it has not been named correctly. We
> corrected this mistake in the translation.
> 8. SC 1.4.5 : in the note on formula there is a link to the anchor to
> related resources that does not work. We have corrected it in the
> translation.
> 9. In SC 1.4.6 there is a heading h2 "examples for success criterion 1.4.6"
> but no examples. We kept the heading on the translation but we are not sure
> we should remove it or not.
> 10. Same note for Understanding SC 1.4.7: heading entitled examples but no
> examples are available.
> 11. In SC 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 there is no heading "Related Resources"
> whereas other success criteria have the haeding "Related resources" followed
> by "non currently documented".
> 12. In SC 2.2.1 there is a "common failure" which is not related to SC 2.2.1
> but to success criteria 2.2.2. See F16. Shall we remove it? I suspect that
> there are also techniques that are not related to SC 2.2.1 but to 2.2.2.
> 13. In success criterion 2.4.1, section "intent of this success criterion"
> there is a note 1 followed by text and followed by the title "note 2:" with
> no text  in  it.   I t seems to be a mistak e, an d we deleted the title
> note 2 in the French translation.
> 14. In Understanding SC 2.4.2, in section examples, second example
> "document" there is a list of section of WCAG 2.0. It
> says that :
> "Appendix B has the title "Checklist for Web Content Accessibility
> Guidelines 2.0."
> I suppose that this refers to a former version of WCAG 2.0 as appendix
> B of the 11 december version is "acknowledgments". We changed this in the
> translation writing that appendix B is acknowledgements.
> I may send you some more comments while translating the document.
> Best regards
> --
> Sylvie Duchateau for stakeholders working on the translation of
> Understanding WCAG 2.0 into French.
> Association BrailleNet
> Tél.: +33(0] 1 44 27 26 25      Fax : +33 (0) 1 44 27 34 49
> Web :
Response from the Working Group
Thank you for pointing these errors out. We will include revisions in
the next update of the Understanding and Techniques documents.

Loretta Guarino Reid, WCAG WG Co-Chair
Gregg Vanderheiden, WCAG WG Co-Chair
Michael Cooper, WCAG WG Staff Contact

On behalf of the WCAG Working Group

Received on Friday, 21 May 2010 21:41:09 UTC