Is \"Prior warning\" really OK here?

Name: Mike Sullivan
Affiliation: Qwest Communications
Document: TD
Item Number: F52
Part of Item: Applicability
Comment Type: general comment
Summary of Issue: Is \"Prior warning\" really OK here?
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
The title and body of F52 suggest that opening a new window immediately onLoad is acceptable if prior warning is given. (\"Failure of Success Criterion 3.2.1 due to opening a new window as soon as a new page is loaded without prior warning\"). However, this is mapped back to \"3.2.1 On Focus\", which makes no mention of a prior warning exception. Since the next criterion, \"3.2.2 On Input\" does explicitly give a prior warning exception, I read WCAG2 to be saying change of context is never allowable \"on focus\", and only allowable \"on input\" if prior warning is given. If this is the correct reading of WCAG2, then F52 is incorrect in saying that prior warning would allow you to open a new window when a page loads. If this is an incorrect reading of WCAG2, then the prior warning exception should be stated explicitly in SC 3.2.1 as it is in SC 3.2.2.

Proposed Change:

a. Add a \"prior warning\" clause to SC 3.2.1, or

b. Remove the \"prior warning\" clause from F52.

Received on Wednesday, 6 February 2008 22:32:08 UTC