Level A for low or no-contrast content

Name: Ramón Corominas
Email: ramon@ramoncorominas.com
Affiliation: Freelance Web Developer and visually impaired
Document: W2
Item Number: Success Criterion 1.4.3
Part of Item: 
Comment Type: general comment
Summary of Issue: Level A for low or no-contrast content
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
I\'ve read the rationale about not moving this criterion to Level A, arguing that \"assistive technology will be able to present the text or text equivalent of this content to the user\".

However, for people with no assistive technology (because they don\'t really need it, or even for people with good sight), when the text has no contrast (or very low contrast), the content will not be perceived, or even noticed.

I think that when people doesn\'t even notice that there is some content that they should be aware of, they will not even think about using some kind of trick to find it, so the content will not be perceived at all. It would be the same as if this content does not exist.

An example of this here:


I am conscious that this is an exaggerated example, but I, as visually impaired, sometimes find things like this, where there is a content that I don\'t even know that exists.

Sometimes I \"discover\" this kind of content when a well-sighted friend tells me about its existence after some navigation trying to find it through a site (an example of this are some form controls with no border, over a very light gray background).

Proposed Change:
Raise 1.4.3 to Level A, or introduce some Level A rule to force this kind of content perceivable without assistive technology.

Received on Friday, 1 February 2008 03:04:15 UTC