Arrangement by HTML

Name: Brett Zamir
Document: QR
Item Number: Customizing this Quick Reference
Part of Item: 
Comment Type: editorial
Summary of Issue: Arrangement by HTML
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
Hello, Thank you first of all for what seems to be a most exhaustive and well thought out listing of accessibility requirements.

While I appreciate the language-neutral organization of the guidelines into themes and believe it can give a good overall picture of what accessibility entails, my interest, as a web developer, would be to see the guidelines be also available arranged according to technical categories--even if there would be some repetition involved--so that developers will know exactly what kind of changes they will need to make to their approach to various aspects of coding and design.

Proposed Change:
For example, there could be a section on \"HTML forms\" (or even broken down by specific form elements) with the various concerns that ought to be taken into account (e.g., labeling controls, CAPTCHA\'s, etc.). This would be much more helpful for me as a developer to do an exhaustive review of my existing code and approach to future code, than reading a theoretical organization as it is now. 

Again, the theoretical organization is good (and I like the customizable practice-as-you-preach implementation), I think, but for practical implementation, I believe an additional organization would help.

To be even more concrete, if I were to start with guideline 1.1.1 and consider how to apply it to my site, the guideline covers everything from form controls to formatting, so I\'d have to review my site for all of these things, and then, when I came across other later guidelines that dealt with the same HTML features, I\'d have to go over the same material again.

I\'d prefer to be able to go in order to see, ok, what is wrong with my treatment of HTML forms, what should I be doing with tables, what about images, etc.



Received on Tuesday, 25 September 2007 21:32:37 UTC