Comment LC-1119

Comment 92:

(Issue ID: LC-1119)

Is this SC about providing corrections to field errors or highlighting field
errors. The techniques and examples seem contradictory

Proposed Change:

Clarify the techniques and examples

Response from Working Group:

The working group feels that the three situations in How To Meet SC 3.3.2
(formerly 2.5.2) do require that suggestions for correction be provided. The
description and examples in these techniques provide general instructions
for how to highlight the error and what type of information should be
provided to help the user correct the error. The How To Meet document has
also been updated to indicate that more than one situation and technique may
apply.  We have also retained Situation A about mandatory fields since the
user needs to be informed that a field is required but may not always
require suggested corrections such as in the case of a field requiring the
user name.

In addition, the following HTML and Client Side Scripting future Techniques
have been added as sufficient for Situations B and C

Situation B: If information for a field is required to be in a specific data

1. G85: Providing a text description when user input falls outside the
required format or values 2. Providing links to suggested correction text
"close to" form fields, or providing the suggested correction text itself
directly on the Web unit "next to" form fields (future link) 3. SCR18:
Providing client-side validation and alert (SCRIPT) 4. Providing client-side
validation and adding error text via the DOM (future link)

Situation C: Information provided by the user is required to be one of a
limited set of values:

1. G84: Providing a text description when the user provides information that
is not in the list of allowed values 2. Providing links to suggested
correction text "close to" form fields, or providing the suggested
correction text itself directly on the Web unit "next to" form fields
(future link) 3. SCR18: Providing client-side validation and alert (SCRIPT)
4. Providing client-side validation and adding error text via the DOM
(future link)
Response from GSW:
Thank you for addressing my comment

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 13:44:45 UTC