Re: SC 1.3.4 - Understanding doc update

​​Hi Alastair,

A few points:

1)  "... The autocomplete and autofil attributes (from HTML) were created
to make forms easier for everyone, but they have a much greater impact on
people with cognitive impairments."

[JF] There is no such thing as an *autofill *(note spelling) attribute in
HTML5. The Spec is a little convoluted as it speaks of the *autofill
mantle* (which indicates that "autofilling" can be achieved in two
different ways) HOWEVER both ways still use the @autocomplete attribute

2)  "... although it isn’t very helpful for personalisation..."

[JF] I *STRONGLY* reject that assertion (as did Jon Avila
The presence of a fixed string of text with predictable "*attribute +
[value strings]*" can indeed be used for personalization. In fact, the
Personalization TF are already headed in a similar (identical) direction
today, through the use of a collection of
*new attributes and fixed values:*

*Requirement:* Having familiar terms and symbols is key to being able to
use the web. However what is familiar for one user may be strange for
another requiring them to learn new symbols. If a user agent or script
knows the context of links, buttons, and other page elements then symbols
and text used can be ones that the user understands. This can include:

   - Symbols and graphics that they are familiar with
   - Tooltips
   - Language the use can understand
   - Keyboard short cuts

*For that we need to standardize supportive syntax and terms that can be
linked to associated symbols, terms, translations and explanations, for the
individual, via an attribute.*

*For example, those @autocomplete strings could all be used for an injected
stylesheet that adds symbols to the form inputs, in a fashion identical
to the current PoC
I would vehemently oppose any text that suggests otherwise.*

3) Metadata tokens

[JF] Despite assertions to the contrary, I posit that using @autocomplete
with the list of fixed values is indeed a limited metadata taxonomy. I
think it's extremely important that we start to socialize the notion that
this type of element-level metadata (or, more accurately, microdata) is the
longer-term goal for Personalization (as illustrated in the Personalization
Module <>

4) Housekeeping

[JF] There are multiple instances where you have hyphenated auto-complete:
please note that in the HTML spec it isn't hyphenated, so I suggest we
match that (US?) spelling instead.


On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 10:20 AM, Alastair Campbell <>

> Hi everyone,
> There was a fairly long through on the AG list about whether 1.3.4 was
> still useful, and whether it was fulfilling real user needs. Thread here if
> you are interested:
> thread.html#msg1286
> We discussed this last week and, although it isn’t very helpful for
> personalisation, autocomplete/autofill is very useful so that people don’t
> have to remember and type in credit card details etc.
> Katie raised a good point about the understanding document which needed a
> lot of updating to reflect the new intent of the SC, so I’ve drafted a new
> version in github. I put the HTML version here for easier viewing:
> It is starting small, there may well be more things to flesh out but
> unless anyone objects I can request this one is used. If anyone would like
> to contribute changes or point me to other things that should go in, please
> just email me direct and I’ll add to it.
> Kind regards,
> -Alastair
> --
> / @alastc

John Foliot
Principal Accessibility Strategist
Deque Systems Inc.

Advancing the mission of digital accessibility and inclusion

Received on Monday, 26 February 2018 17:59:46 UTC