Re: Mockup pages for web designers in WAI web site

Hi Steve Thanks for the mockups. It is very exciting. To summaries the ideas on the call, we are all realy happy to see some pages go up on the wai site and this is a good direction.  We can see that people will come to the site for a mix of tasks, mediums, and combinations of looking for different user abilities, disabilities or functional abilities.   We want to  think about some user stories, such as A homework site wants to make their content easier for people with dyslexia and adhd. they want to know what to do A government agency are looking to put in a policy to make their content more usable by everyone. What could a policy have? An app developer realises that their app is realy useful for people who forget appointments and things like that. How can they make it usable as well for this new audience? (Is it possible to make it useable?) A security company is looking for advice to give people about inclusive security. A critical service needs to be usable in times of stress or even panic. What can they do? A health cite needs to give information to people with "chemo brain", stoke and traumatic brain injuries. What should they do? A content provider is making instructional content and  videos for assisted living. what do they need to do to make the content usable for their audience? Can we come out with a design that helps them know they are in the right place as soon as they arrive,  and helps them find the content they need in two or three clicks? All the best Lisa Seeman LinkedIn, Twitter ---- On Thu, 20 Dec 2018 19:23:57 +0200 Steve Lee <> wrote ---- Here are the details of the pages I just demonstrated during the latest Task Force call. --- I'd like to suggest a set of new Coga web pages. This will make it easier for web designers and others to find out about the needs of people with cognitive and learning disabilities. Designers can also find the techniques they can use and there is a summery of our Research documents. There are a lot of coga documents and they are large and complicated. We want to make them easier to use. We also talked about making the Design Guide collapsible to make it easier to use. My suggestion is to provide some new pages for the web designers and developers. The new documents will be part of the W3C WAI website. They will then be easier to find and read. It will also be easier to make changes to them without the W3C process. The new pages will still belong to the Cognitive task force. The Web Site and Education & Outreach teams can help us if we want them to. Here are 4 mock up pages. A Mock Up shows what the page could look like. The text is only an example and the task force would decide how the final content. * Introducing Cognitive and Learning Disabilities – This page introduces how people with cognitive and learning disabilities experience the web and what information the W3C WAI has to help. * Supporting Cognitive Needs in Web Development – Explains how the ways to think about supporting people with Cognitive disabilities when creating a website. This is like our Coga Usable document. * Design Techniques for Cognitive Accessibility – Provides detailed techniques to use when designing and developing web pages. This is our Design Guide with collapsible sections. * Research and Analysis – Introduces the Analysis and Research documents we created - Gap Analysis, Issue Papers and User Research. Steve

Received on Thursday, 20 December 2018 20:29:32 UTC