Re: Accessible Authentication SC: new language; vote +1 or -1

+1 with the following proposed modification:
- A colon after "have" and then putting "alternative essential steps, and;" and "an authentication-credentials reset process;" as two bullets before "which do not rely upon recalling and copying information."

This helps to break it up for easier reading and also makes it cLear that the last part applies to the "alternative essential steps" as well as to the reset process.

Best regards

From: Rochford, John <<>>
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2017 12:06 am
Subject: Accessible Authentication SC: new language; vote +1 or -1
To: public-cognitive-a11y-tf <<>>

Hi All,

Based upon recent efforts by Mike Pluke, Lisa, and I, the below is new language we hope everyone will find acceptable.

“Essential steps of an authentication process, which rely upon recalling or copying information, have alternative essential steps, and an authentication-credentials reset process, which do not rely upon recalling and copying information.”

Please vote +1 or -1.


John Rochford<>
UMass Medical School/E.K. Shriver Center
Director, INDEX Program
Instructor, Family Medicine & Community Health<http:/>
Twitter: @ClearHelper<>

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Received on Thursday, 8 June 2017 11:54:40 UTC