3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (change) feedback

Hi Thad

Thanks for all the hard work. Some more feedback on the labels SC.

The benefits section MUST explain why this is essential to some users.

The following are not benefits but techniques:

"This can include:
  Require as little information as possible. Make it visually clear what information is required
 Provide instructions
 Give additional hints and pointers to users to give context.
 Calendars and dates
  Use terms that describe the present past and future days rather than just using numbers or dates. By using terminology such as today, tomorrow or travel now in the appropriate language for the locale, the user has a clear understanding of the timeliness of the event, booking or occasion. 
 Display long form of dates with punctuation, e.g., June 1st, 2015 or 1st June, 2015. This offers a clear understanding of the date. Punctuation helps the text to speech API read the date in a way that is easier to follow.
 When using numbers for time - check use of appropriate punctuation between numbers when providing times as these may be read inappropriately by text to speech engines.
  Allow reading of long form temperature. Reading the values long form rather than using figures is helpful in for the same reasons outlined in the dates and calendar section.
 Reinforce with non-numerical values, e.g., Very Cold, Cold, Cool, Mild, Warm, Hot, Very Hot. These are subjective values and may not always be helpful especially when dealing with weather and ambient temperature (due to reasons such as variances in regional average temperature - what is considered hot in UK is considered cool in India or Thailand). It may be possible to use look up tables and JSON to query relative average temperature based upon locale and adjust temperature ranges accordingly. 
please also reread the instructions and my past feedback

thanks so much and all the best

Lisa Seeman

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Received on Thursday, 6 October 2016 16:48:03 UTC