Please let me know if there are any issues with in 48 hours

To answer some of the comments to the extra symbols SC I have made the following change.
Please let me know if this is problematic in the next 48 hour. (Please read until the end before commenting)

Extra Symbols: Symbols or pictures are added at the beginning of short sentences and phrases to aid understanding.  (Level AAA)

Is changed  to : Extra Symbols: Provide symbols or pictures at the beginning of short sentences and phrases to aid understanding for all content where people who use augmentative/alternative communication systems are in the intended audience. (Level AA)

We also added a note that It is a bit controversial to say people with asphasia etc are not in an intended audience. However when we removed the intended audience clause this seems to become AAA conformance criteria which is more problematic. We are open to other alternatives.

In the description I have added the following:
Content where people who may use augmentative/alternative communication systems are in the intended audience include:All important tasks in critical services such as making a doctors appointment;
navigation to important tasks in critical services such as making a doctors appointment;
paying for a water bill;
or content that is intended for a wide audience.
It should be noted that to conform to the principle of personalization (SC 6) symbols and graphics must be:sInteroperable so that, when possible, symbols can be replaced by symbols that are familiar to the user.
Default setting should allow for the number of symbols shown to be reduced, such as only showing symbols by headings, controls and links. This reduces the clutter for non-symbol users.
If these conditions are not explicit in the personalization requirement it should be added to this success criteria.

 Please let me know if there are any issues with in 48 hours

All the best

Lisa Seeman

LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Saturday, 26 November 2016 18:40:07 UTC