Additions for the multi modal issue paper

Multi modal additions. 

As discussed on the call on multi-modal the following scenario need to be addressed:
Jumping to the part of the video n that you are interested in.
Finding pieces in the content once focus is lost
Going back a step when something was not understood
Going to where a term was explained and then back to your content term 

We proposed that this was solvable by having: 

Having the content structured, and that structure is  clearly identified  or signposted - (eg with a slide that seas "step two - remove the old washer" or "step three - put on the new washer")
 The structure is navigable (Eg you can jump directly to step two)
Keywords are identified and can be jumped to directly
Enabling bookmarks and annotations (that can be jumped to)

User story - when I was in school quite a few teacher separately wanted me to tape the lesson as an alternative to taking notes. At the end of the term, before the exams I had possibly hundreds hours of tape recording that I was expected listen to as part of my exam revision. (most of the information of the tapes were the teacher telling kids off for not having their books out , or going off the point etc.)  Clearly even with my slow reading, it was better to photocopy notes from someone else, and the alternative modality was not scanable or navigable.

If anyone has additional research to back this up please send it to the list

All the best

Lisa Seeman

Athena ICT Accessibility Projects
LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Friday, 1 January 2016 10:50:15 UTC