summary for techniques

Hi Folks

I would like to suggest the following as a summary for the beginning of the techniques document.


Most designers want people to be able to use their site. However designs that might be difficult for some people to use can actually bar people with cognative and learning disabilities from using the content at all. Typically this happens because content providers may not be familiar with the needs of different people. 

This document contains detailed techniques that should enable content to be usable by people with cognitive and learning disabilities. 

We have identified the following themes though the techniques.

Help as many users as possible understand the site and know to use it. This often involves using things that are familiar to the user so that they do not have to learn new symbols, terms or design patters. Personalization and good use of semantics can help make the symbols and design as familiar to the user as possible, without requiring the author to create alternative versions for different groups or users.

Prevent the user from making mistakes and make it easy to correct mistakes when they do occur. A good design and use of scripts will make errors less likely, but when they do occur the user should know how to correct them, without having to renter other data or start from the beginning.

Help the use focus and to restore context if attention is lost. Items like breadcrumbs can help orientate the user and help the user restore the context when it is lost. (Making breadcrumbs clickable can also help the user undo mistakes)

Main techniques include:

Use a clear structure with easy to follow sections short paragraphs manageable chunks 
Use an easy to follow writing style
Provide rapid and direct feedback
Help the user understand the content and orientate themselves in the content. 
Help users complete and check their work by less likely that the user will make mistakes and easy to undo mistakes when they occur
Provide help
Help the user focus and help restore the context if attention is lost 
Enable adaptability and personalization, so that symbols text and other features rare familiar and helpful to the user
Minimize the cognitive skills required to use the content and avoid barriers that stop people with cognitive disabilities from using content, such as hard to use security mechanisms.

(with links to the detailed techniques) 

All the best

Lisa Seeman

Athena ICT Accessibility Projects 
LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Thursday, 27 August 2015 18:41:37 UTC