Adding context to the aria-function attribute

Hi all!

We are working on a demo which uses the aria-function attribute, which
enables the web developer to specify the element's function (e.g. home,
first name, reset, etc.)
It is described further at:
and at:

However, we are concerned that developers will use aria-function values in
incorrect contexts and they will be processed incorrectly as a result.
For example, aria-function = "contact us" is intended to be treated as a
link, but someone may add that to a heading with "contact us" causing it to
be processed as if it were a link and mess the page.

We thought of two solutions:
1. Change the syntax of the aria-function attribute: following the name of
the function have the context in which it should be used. For example,
instead of having aria-function = "contact us" have aria-function =
"contact us link".

2. Have the personalisation triggered only under the contexts we want to,
by using tag names and roles.
For example the aria-function="contact us" will trigger if in a link or if
the role is either a link or navigation.

What do you think?

Feel free to look at the project at:
and at:


Ayelet Seeman

Received on Wednesday, 26 August 2015 15:32:04 UTC