COGA (accessibility for people with cognitive disabilities) Issue Paper: Web Security Technologies: CAPTCHA

Description of the Technology

CAPTCHA is typically a website widget that prevents automated programs from submitting a web form intended for humans by requiring humans to pass a test. Such tests present distorted text visually and/or aurally; and require the form-submitter to enter that text into a field, and invoke a submit button.

Challenges for People with Cognitive Disabilities

CAPTCHA often blocks people with cognitive and/or physical disabilities who cannot discern the text they are required to enter and submit. The scope of the problem is vast because, for example, people with disabilities are prevented from purchasing goods and registering for services on the millions of websites that use CAPTCHA.

Effect of memory impairments

People with cognitive disabilities:

Effect of impaired executive function

People with cognitive disabilities may not:

Effect of attention-related limitations

People with cognitive disabilities may not focus due to:

Effect of perception-processing limitations

People with cognitive disabilities may not:

Effect of reduced knowledge

People with cognitive disabilities:

Proposed Solutions

Criteria for CAPTCHA Redesign, or for CAPTCHA-like Alternatives

Alternatives to CAPTCHA

Note: The honeypot-field solution will not work for popular websites because spammers will likely expend the effort to defeat it.