user research module

Hi folks

We have a draft of the user research module


The ADD section needs updating (which I will coordinate with Michael over). Also I just noted that the aphasia and non vocal sections are out of date and not merged.  However the other sections are ready for proofreading and other comments.

Some major changes
I changed the introduction to make it in line with the user research publication
I added a summary with the cognitive function table. Please check this section and make sure you agree with the summary
I added the cognitive research section from the Athena-ICT website.
The document is also restructured a bit. For example Cognitive research and methodologies is at the end. I removed sections like the business case which is not part of the user group research.
Please let me know what changes (if any) you consider necessary for us to ask our parent groups to approve it as a first working draft

All the best

Lisa Seeman

Athena ICT Accessibility Projects 
LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Tuesday, 25 November 2014 13:36:43 UTC