Re: what are the brain functions

Along the lines of this list, would there be any interest in my 
producing a breakdown of the reading process (from image processing to 
word recognition to high-level comprehension)? I wrote a basic overview 
for my doctoral work on AT and dyslexia to help illustrate how 
breakdowns at different levels affect the overall process. It would be 
fairly straightforward for me to generalize it and make it a basic 
roadmap for what reading involves and put in some "hooks" for where 
various disabilities can come into play?

Also, for a nice high-level, public science read on neuroscience, I just 
finished and enjoyed Sam Kean's "The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons."

Kate Deibel, PhD



"To make a difference, one must subtract one number from another."

On 2014-06-01 6:00 AM, Rochford, John wrote:
> Hi Lisa,
> Your list of cognitive functions is aligned with WebAIM's list.
> (See
> It includes illustrative examples and an explanation of why we classify
> cognitive disability functionally rather than clinically. You may want
> to consider incorporating such information into your document,
> especially functional examples, to help reader comprehension.
> John
> John Rochford
> UMass Medical School/E.K. Shriver Center
> Director, INDEX Program; Instructor, Family Medicine & Community Health
> Twitter: @ClearHelper
> *From:*lisa.seeman []
> *Sent:* Friday, May 30, 2014 11:53 AM
> *To:* lisa.seeman
> *Cc:* EA Draffan; Liddy Nevile; public-cognitive-a11y-tf; Anthony Doran;
> Steve Lee; Neil.Milliken
> *Subject:* RE: what are the brain functions
> Ok I think I see the problem, I was coping over Cross-modal Association
> to sign language section and edited it in the literacy section - good call!
> All the best
> Lisa Seeman
> Athena ICT Accessibility Projects
> <>
> LinkedIn <>, Twitter
> <>
> ---- On Fri, 30 May 2014 14:08:15 +0300
> *lisa.seeman< <>>* wrote
> ----
>     Hi EA,
>     Thanks for the review
>     I think I have called  grapheme-phoneme correspondence (GPC) --
>     Cross-modal Association: Association of sign and concept which I put
>     under litarcy
>     This is exactly why I thought we needed this so we can use the
>     terms. I will add grapheme-phoneme correspondence (GPC) as an
>     alternive way of saying Cross-modal Association
>     I will also add your info on Broca's area (mainly because it is so
>     interesting...)
>     All the best and thanks again
>     Lisa
>         I just noticed that there was no "grapheme-phoneme
>         correspondence (GPC) —
>         the relationship between sounds and the letters which represent
>         those sounds; also known as 'letter-sound correspondences'"
>         which is something we often talk about when discussing dyslexia
>         but I may have missed the fact that is included within other
>         terms.
>         Just another thought... I learnt that Broca's area was mainly in
>         the left temporal lobe rather than being categorised as part of
>         the occipital lobe
> but obviously
>         the experts on MD health have other ideas!!!! We may also have
>         to include other aspects of what is linked to Broca's area
> but perhaps
>         we then go into the realms of giving too much information.
>         I found this image of the brain and a rather interesting take on
>         the whole idea of how the systems work
> -
>         not for W3C but just for a small digression!
>         Best wishes
>         E.A.
>         Mrs E.A. Draffan
>         WAIS, ECS , University of Southampton
>         Tel +44 (0)23 8059 7246
>         Mobile +44 (0)7976 289103
>         From: lisa.seeman []
>         Sent: 28 May 2014 22:37
>         To: Liddy Nevile; public-cognitive-a11y-tf
>         Cc: Anthony Doran; Steve Lee; EA Draffan; Neil.Milliken
>         Subject: what are the brain functions
>         Hi
>         I put up a very early draft of different brain functions. It
>         could turn into iether a glossary or a background resource for
>         making meta data that relates to cognitive disabilities or for a
>         functional approach to accessibility for cognitive.
>         See
>         Do people think it could be useful? Feel free to point put
>         ommisions or other comments. Please ignore any editorial and
>         spelling errors
>         All the best
>         Lisa Seeman
>         Athena ICT Accessibility Projects
>         LinkedIn, Twitter

Received on Monday, 2 June 2014 20:58:20 UTC